Ir. Antony Sihombing, MPD., Ph.D., is a senior lecturer at the Department of Architecture, Civil Engineering in the field of Architecture Design, Urban Planning and Design, Site Planning, Project Management. He also teaches in the Graduate Program in the areas of: Housing and Urban Study Theory, Design Studio for Housing and Urban Study, Urban Design Studio and Theory. He graduated from UI in 1984, then completed a Master of Planning and Design at The University of Melbourne, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Building – Australia in 1997. He completed his doctoral program in 2004, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Building in The University of Melbourne, Australia. Throughout his career, he has gained many awards, including in the field of architectural design, community empowerment and satya lencana from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Awards from abroad obtained from The University of Melbourne Australia in the form of Postgraduate Scholarship for Master of Planning and Design. he published numerous scientific publications related to the field of urban design in various regions in Indonesia. He is active as a member at the Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI) and Indonesian Associate of Construction Management, (Association of Indonesian Construction Management Experts – HAMKI).
He had served as a team leader in the design project site plan with various private and government institutions, including the Planning and Design for New Campus Universitas Indonesia – Depok, Institute of Technology UI. Aside from being a senior lecturer, he has held many positions, including as Manager of Design and Planning for the Institute of Technology UI, Deputy Director for Finance and Administration Affairs for the Quality of Undergraduate Education (QUE) Project – Department of Architecture FTUI, Manager of HRD, Cooperation and Ventura – FTUI, Manager for Research and Community Services – FTUI, Director of Collaboration Program between UI, District and Industry (Cooperation Regional & Industry (KSDI) – University of Indonesia, he had served as team leader in a variety of design project site plan with private institutions and government , including the Planning and Design for the New Campus of Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Institute of Technology FTUI.
Office Address | Gedung A, Ruang A203, Program Pendidikan Vokasi UI, Kampus UI Depok, Jawa Barat 16424 |
Phone | (62)21- 290-274 -81, -82, -83 |
Fax | (62)21- 290-274 -78 | |