Depok-Klinik Fisioterapi, Okupasi Terapi, dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit (FOR) UI Vocational and Tim Bantuan Fisioterapi, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), provide free online physiotherapy consultation services. The online consultation has been held since last year, to provide assistance to the general public who complain of health problems, such as musculoskeletal, low back, neck pain, and others. Klinik FOR UI Vocational is a health clinic laboratory owned by the UI Vocational Education Program in the field of physiotherapy and occupational therapy services.

The service is carried out by final-level Physiotherapy study program students who are members of the Tim Bantuan Fisioterapi, accompanied by UI Vocational Physiotherapy lecturers. During the consultation process, patients receive education so that complaints rarely arise and practice techniques. After the consultation is complete, the patient’s progress will be monitored by the physiotherapist through the WhatsApp application. If there are still complaints, a schedule will be made for the patient to return for consultation.

The Head of the Klinik FOR UI Vocational, who is also a Physiotherapy study program lecturer, Riza Pahlawi, Str.Ftr., M.Kes., said that this online consultation aims to provide optimal service to the community. “Considering that the Covid-19 pandemic is still happening, we hope that we can continue to provide the best service to patients. In addition, with the use of increasingly developing technology, physiotherapists can still provide flexible services in terms of time and economy, and reduce mobility,” he said.

Andini Puspita Dewi, a Physiotherapy study program student who also participated as a physiotherapist, explained that this online consultation could help her to train herself to handle patients remotely. “This online consultation is also very helpful for students to train themselves to handle patients before going directly to the internship, or after graduating from UI Vocational,” said Andini.

To get this free consultation service, there are several steps that prospective patients must take. First, prospective patients can fill out a consultation registration form at the link After that, the patient confirms through the number listed on the link via WhatsApp. Then, the clinic will determine the physiotherapist and inform the patient.

Furthermore, the patient conducts a consultation on the day and time that has been determined (if there is a change in schedule, can reconfirm). Consultations are carried out virtually via the Zoom or Google Meet platforms. The clinic will evaluate each consultation is completed. The schedule for online consultation services is carried out every Monday – Friday at 09.00 – 17.00 WIB. To get more complete information, prospective patients can access Instagram social media belonging to the Klinik FOR UI Vocational and Tim Bantuan Fisioterapi at @forvokasicenter.ui and @tbfvokasiui.

The Physiotherapy Study Program is one of the applied bachelor study programs at the UI Vocational. This study program produces professional physiotherapists, with competencies including being able to provide health education in the perspective of physiotherapy, competent in the practice of pediatric physiotherapy, orthopedic/musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice, neurology physiotherapy practice, cardiorespiratory physiotherapy, geriatric and community physiotherapy, and occupational health physiotherapy.[:]

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