Depok – Located in C Building, UI Depok, Public Relations Study Program held a Job Competency-based Job Talent Test, as part of preparation for entering the world of work. The examiners were professionals from various fields including: Dian Sastrowardoyo, Muhammad Qadavi, Etsa Amanda, Maria Britta, Albert Koto, Ria Maharani, Sari Wardi Astuti, Farida Widyastuti, Rini Soraya, Ariyani Marwadi, Reska Herlambang, Anggi Nurjihan, who represented industry players. creative, startup and unicorn companies, banking, mining, media, talent management, and others.

“The presence of these professional examiners follows another of professionals who have earlier taught as regular practice teachers in the PR Vocational Program (formerly communication), which has three specializations, Public Relations, Broadcasting and Advertising. The professionals are Reza Rahadian, Sheila Timothy, Angga Dwi Sasongko, Acha Septriasa, William Utomo, Krishna Nugraha, Wida Septarina, Bernaldi Pamuntjak, Asep Sutresna, and others. Together with the theory lecturers in the Public Relations Vocational Program, they teach using a team teaching system for 16 meetings in one semester, “said Devie Rahmawati, Head of the UI Public Relations Vocational Study Program.

“The questions being tested cover three aspects, Presentation (Clear and relevant content, compact and straight forward, clear and relevant visualization, proper animation (if any slides), time management); Personal (Posture, Appearance, Articulation, Eye contact, Confident, Positive mindset); Interaction (Understanding the question, Sharp answering, Flow of thought, Ability to implement learning from campus to daily activity or responding to the question), “added Devie, Founder of the Vocational Digital Clinic Universitas Indonesia.

“The course-based Job Talent competency test is an effort of the PR Vocational Program, ensuring students have real experience competing for seats in the industry. This test is one way for the industry to get quality human resources early (talent search) to meet the needs of the job market, ”added Amelita Lusia, a theory lecturer and co-founder of the UI Vocational Digital Clinic.

“The Public Relations Vocational Study Program, since last year has implemented the 3-2-1 curriculum as a whole, where students for 3 semesters will study in classes and laboratories, then for two semesters study in industry in full and one semester return to the laboratory. or stay in the industry to prepare the final report, ”exclaims Amelita, a disaster communications researcher.

“So that students are really ready to enter the industry during their 1 to 1.5 years of study, the Public Relations Vocational Program prepares work talent competency exams based on the courses the students have taken during the previous 3 semesters. So when they graduate from the vocational program, almost all PR vocational students are no longer looking for work, because before graduating, they have practiced for 1.5 years in full in the industry. Students already have strong networks and experiences before they get their graduation degree, “added Rangga Wisesa, a theory teacher who became team teaching with Reza Rahadian.

“Based on data from the Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR) in 2014, it was stated that various professions in the future, which are suspected to encourage massive economic growth and human movement, do not need traditional academic education. The Edge Foundations study shows that 90% of jobs in the future require a Vocational qualification, ”added Devie Rahmawati, who studied at Swansea University.

“The implementation on May 20 will be a symbolic moment for the revival of Vocational Education. Education that will lead this country to become an increasingly independent country, with the professional abilities of its people, through vocational education, starting from vocational education at the elementary level (SMK), to applied Masters and Doctoral degrees at the higher education level, “concluded Devie Rahmawati, a social communications researcher.

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