Auditorium Vokasi UI yang diresmikan oleh Rektor UI dan Direktur Program Vokasi UI pada akhir tahun 2016 ini, bergaya teater dengan kapasitas 500 tempat duduk dan memiliki tata panggung yang lengkap. 3 projektor berikut 3 layar yang dapat dijadikan satu projeksi panoramik dan tata lampu sorot menjadikan Auditorium VOkasi UI sebagai salah satu auditorium terlengkap di UI.
Auditorium Vokasi UI ini hanya dapat digunakan khusus untuk kegiatan civitas akademika UI pada hari rabu-sabtu dan hari senin-selasa diperuntukkan khusus untuk kegiatan civitas akademika Vokasi UI.
Japanese Studies Centre
Japanese Studies Centre (PSJ) is inaugurated by Minister of Education and Culture Prof. Dr. Ing. Wardiman Djoyonegoro on June 2, 1995.
The aim of this building is for the relationship between Indonesia and Japan toward cooperation on mutual respect, mutual understanding, and mutual benefit based on equal global partnerships.
The specific aim is to disseminate information about Japan as a country that plays an important role in Asia. Based on these two reasons, PSJ UI will focus on two kinds of activities, namely research and information.
Student Hall
UI’s student hall in Salemba is one of the facilities under the coordination of the Deputy of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations. This building is widely used for activities such as seminars, meetings, and other activities. The capacity is for 300 people, it can be used for public.
If you want to use Pusgiwa hall, student hall and sports facilities, submit a request to the Deputy of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations UI Administration Center Building Floor VI Depok. Phone: 021-7866403, 021-7863451, 021-7863452. Fax: 7863453.
Balairung with an area of 7915 square meters is the largest building inside the UI campus in Depok. This building is usually used for large events, such as new student enrollment, undergraduate and postgraduate graduation, exhibitions and scientific contests.
The hall is equipped with stage, grandstand capacity for 2,500 seats and parking facilities covering an area of 10,000 square meters. This facility is very appropriate to be used in big events. Since its existence, Balairung is often hired by various educational institutions who are in Jakarta for students’ graduation.
If you are interested and require more information, please call the telephone number: 021-7863446 (Sub.Dit. General, General Directorate of the University of Indonesia).
Convention Center
This Convention Center is located next to the BNI branch office of Depok. Usually, the building used for ceremonial of inauguration UI and various seminars campus or faculty.
If you want to use the facilities of Balairung UI or UI Convention Center, you must submit the application to the Vice Rector II UI, with a copy of the General Director of the University of Indonesia.