Depok-Records and Archives Management study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with the UI Vocational Family Women’s Association (IWK), held an activity entitled “Family Archives Management Training” on June 30, 2024 in the Intraco Room UI Vocational. The workshop presented Prihatni Wuryatmini, M.Hum. to deliver material about the importance of managing family archives. After delivering material about the importance of managing family archives, it continued with the practice of managing family archives guided by Retno Wulandari, M.Hum. and students of the Records and Archives Management study program.

(Photo: Dewi Anggraeni Padang, Head of the UI Vocational IWK, delivering a speech at the training activity)

Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, said that this activity was a form of UI Vocational’s concern for managing family archives in the smallest organization in society, namely the family, as well as providing opportunities for students and lecturers to share knowledge and management skills for managing family archives. Padang said, “The collaboration between the Records and Archives Management study program and the UI Vocational IWK in holding family archives training is one form of implementation that has a direct impact on society. This is because people really need skills in managing family archives. We hope that participants will be able to manage family archives so that all family documents can be recorded and stored properly after attending this training.”

(Photo: Prihatni delivers material on the importance of managing family archives)

Prihatni said that apart from carrying out the mandate of Law Number 43 of 2009 concerning Archives, there are other reasons that require families to manage records well, namely that the family is part of individual records that need to be managed well and correctly to ensure welfare in the family. Orderly family archives can ensure the security of the archives you have. Indonesia is a disaster-prone country, so skills in managing family records are important so that mitigation against damage or destruction of documents due to disasters can be carried out. “If family members already have skills in managing family records and want to manage their records well, then if a disaster occurs, damage or loss of records in the family can be minimized. This really needs to be done, especially for the category of vital family records, such as land certificates, proof of motor vehicle ownership, birth certificates, diplomas, and others. If there is damage to vital records, it will be difficult or even impossible to obtain new documents, and will disrupt the continuity of the family’s activities,” explained Prihatni.

In this activity, participants had the opportunity to receive practical assistance in filing family archives. The family archives that are filed are in the form of archives in conventional form, namely paper and digital archives stored on a computer. Records and Archives Management lecturers and students provide assistance in this practice by providing examples and monitoring the practical process of each participant to complete simple filing. At the end of the practice, several participants presented the results of their practice.

(Photo: Atmosphere of family records management training activities)

Arthaingan H. Mutiha, one of the participants, expressed a positive impression of the useful training. “All this time, I kept my family archives scattered and difficult to find again if they were to be used. After I attended this training, I gained knowledge on how to group, name, code, and how to store them using the right storage media, so that archives can be neatly organized and easy to find again when they are used,” said Mutiha.

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