Depok – Located at the auditorium of Health Sciences Cluster Universitas Indonesia, the Public Relations Vocational Education Program Universitas Indonesia together with the Hospital of Universitas Indonesia (RSUI) held a health talkshow, with the theme “Mental and Nutrition Management”. The activity which was attended by more than 500 participants presented dr. Gia Pratama, MD, celebrity doctor; dr. Anna Maurina.S, SIKom, M.Gizi, SpG, a nutritionist at the RSUI Nutrition Clinic, and dr. Fransisika M. Kaligis, Sp.KJ (K), a psychiatry doctor at the RSUI.

“There were many Indonesian democratic parties on April 17, followed by the potential for mental disorders due to stress after the General Election. This stress can occur in legislative candidates (caleg) who fail to win votes. It may seem trivial but if the expectations of the candidates are too high, when the reality is not the same, they become so tense that they become depressed. Moreover, 21% percent or 930 candidates aged 21-35 years or Millennials. This should be an important note for those of us who may be colleagues, relatives to always provide positive support in preventing prolonged depression, “continued Devie, Chair of the UI Public Relations Vocational Study Program.

“Not only that, recently we have been shocked by the suicides committed by teenagers such as students in Indonesia. Studies in the West have shown that millennials have higher levels of anxiety, depression and the desire to end life than previous generations. This condition is suspected to be due to competition to be perfect on social media, which makes their lives more stressful, “said Devie Rahmawati, Aspikom 2018 Model Lecturer.

“The Pediatric Professional Association in America has warned of the bad effects of social media activities on the mental health of adolescents and other young people, this study was conducted in 2014 at the age of 19 to 32 years who like social media such as Facebook and Instagram. The result is that about 50 percent of the study participants reported experiencing sleep disturbances as an indirect effect of social media. Lack of sleep can increase the risk of insomnia, fatigue, which leads to mental instability, ”said Devie, UI Vocational health communication researcher.

The information above was agreed by dr. Fransiska, mental health doctor at UI Hospital “In the past, depression was an issue for the age of 40-50 years, now in 20 years. Until the millennials are the generation who most frequently visit doctors. ”

“The way to manage stress is by consuming healthy foods. Avoid overeating, exercise for 30 minutes a day 3-5 times per week, relaxation, yoga, meditation, adequate rest, support from family and friends, changing attitudes and ways of thinking like a lot of tasks, he thinks he can’t do anything right but is changed. He thinks that with a lot of tasks, it is necessary to determine which tasks should be completed, “urged dr. Fransisca

Meanwhile, dr. Gia Pratama said that “You are what you eat, you will be what you are now according to what you eat, the body’s cells are formed from what you eat, because the raw materials for cell formation are amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids from what you eat. .

There are more than 20 sports functions, no medicine can replace the benefits of exercise and adequate sleep. Humans are like a unified state of cells. Unfortunately there is a biological contract. In the human DNA is written jobdesc and age ”.

“Normally there is 1 liter of blood in our body or if it is converted there can only be 1 gram. In the body there are 5 liters of blood, which means there is an excess of 4 grams, that’s the same as your sister’s wedding ring. Because sugar cannot be in the blood cells, it must be in the body’s cells. If there is too much blood, the pancreas will overproduce insulin to convert blood into energy. When the body is resting or in excess, it will be rejected by other body cells and will be transferred to fat. Sugar in the intestines quickly enters the blood vessels, rice is a fairly fast food to produce sugar, starch is a little slower than rice, old tofu / protein, broccoli takes a long time to get married to the altar, as well as those with high fiber “Added Dr. Gia.

Anna also added that one must be more innovative and smarter, not to be driven by the times and overcome in a challenge. “Do you know what makes them handsome and beautiful” is because food, nutrition, exercise, and physical activity must be increased, it can be simple physical activity in the form of cleaning the house, or others. Digested substances will become molecules that are absorbed by the body, so if the digestive system is disturbed, food substances cannot be processed properly and are not absorbed by the body properly.

“What should we do, really simple eat and drink right, adequate animal protein, nuts or protein and vegetable fats. For muscle builders, the protein must be covered, so try to consume vegetable protein, carbohydrates. The right time to eat or drink. This is usually forgotten by Millennials, adjust the drinking time so that the cells are not dehydrated, the water needs of the millennial body must be 30-40ml / body weight in kg. In the millennial era, there are challenges that are bigger than the past, so you have to be smarter, more creative, innovative and strong. And we can know ourselves so that we can decide and make a commitment to eat and drink right, “concluded Dr. Anna.

“We designed this activity with the aim of forming the next generation of a nation that is” Healthy in Mind and Body “. Because the event was aimed at ‘up-to-date’ millennials, the activities were packed with fun, one of which was by presenting young doctors. Different from other speech titles, Hospitalk UI 2019 will also be equipped with a series of tour activities around RSUI or Hospitour, to get to know the unique construction of an Instagramable Hospital, “said Fajria Aulina, Chair of the 2019 Hospitalk Committee.

“RSUI is very supportive of this event because it has an important role in improving the quality of millennial health in Indonesia. The seriousness of RSUI in preventing the risk of chronic disease among millennials has been carried out through several millennial-themed health seminars. This is also a manifestation of the State Higher Education Hospital (RSPTN) that cares for the health conditions of the Indonesian population at productive age. As a new RSPTN in Indonesia, RSUI presenting Community Health Service at the Nutrition Clinic is also a manifestation of RSUI’s concern for the health of the surrounding community, “concluded Fajria.[:]




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