Depok-Futihat Nurul Karimah, Hurin Nazhifa Mumtaz, and Quinta Ayu Maharani, who are members of the Spread Love team, from the Public Relations study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), managed to bring home the 2nd place from the Ajisaka Festival UGM 2024 for the Prahasta category (PR Campaign). The competition, which will be held from January to March 2024, closed with an Awarding Night event on March 23, 2024 at the Taman Budaya Exhibition Building, Yogyakarta.

They launched a campaign entitled “Sagar Sena, Young Generation for the Sea”, Sagar which means sea and Sena which refers to the young generation in Sanskrit. This program aims to voice the active role of the younger generation in preserving the sea, creating positive waves for the future of the marine ecosystem. As students, Futihat and the team want to give a message in the form of an emphasis that gen z and millennials can be agents of change, especially in the field of marine sustainability, land waste management to prevent marine damage, as well as simple actions that will have a big impact in the future, especially in the Marunda Kepu Coast region, DKI Jakarta.

“By adapting various strategies such as creative advertising through YouTube, cinemas, and the Jakarta Aquarium, the TikTok Challenge in the form of improving the environment, and games using Augmented Reality (AR) filters in the TikTok application, it is hoped that the message we want to convey can be received positively by our campaign targets, ” said Futihat.

(Photo: (L-R): Hurin Nazhifa Mumtaz Futihat Nurul Karimah and Quinta Ayu Maharani, Public Relations study program students))

Another strategy implemented by the Spread Love Team is the formation of a Waste Academy: Waste Ranger, where communities in the Marunda Coastal area will be formed as part of the waste ranger community and provided with education and training by Waste4Change. It does not stop there, another program is Clean Up Marunda, a program to clean up trash for volunteers with one of the TikTok influencers, Pandawara.

Futihat and the Spread Love Team said that their participation in the competition was based on curiosity to hone their potential and apply the public relations knowledge they had learned in class. Futihat said, “The various subjects we studied in class were very helpful when creating this campaign. For example, the Public Relations Evaluation course to evaluate programs effectively, the Social Marketing course, and Cyber Public Relations to increase the use of technology along with the development of the times with the use of digital public relations.”

The Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, expressed his appreciation for the achievements achieved by Futihat and the team. Padang said that the competition was a forum for students to apply learning in class before entering industry. “I am sure that the participation of Futihat, Hurin and Quinta in this competition will be an effective step in evaluating and training themselves in carrying out one of the public relations programs, namely campaigns. So, when they enter the industry, they will be familiar and ready to work according to their needs,” said Padang.

The 2024 UGM Ajisaka Festival is an annual competition organized by the Department of Communication Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. This national level competition was attended by more than 50 groups of participants from various universities in Indonesia. Some of the competition categories held were Sadewa (Skip Ads), Prahasta (PR Campaign), Kresna (Documentary Film), Nakula (Popular Research), Arjuna (Podcast), and Dewi Sinta (Business Model Canvas).

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