Broadcasting Laboratory

Head of Lab. Broadcasting: Arius Krypton Onarelly, M.Sc.

The Multimedia Broadcasting Study Program currently has two laboratory rooms which are commonly used for various practicum activities for various purposes. The laboratories owned by the Multimedia Broadcasting Study Program include:

  1. Radio Vocast Laboratory
  2. Metro TV Studio Laboratory TV

Radio Vocast Laboratory
The Communication Study Program has a Radio Laboratory which also functions as a broadcast radio called Vocast Radio which can be accessed through

TV Studio Laboratory

The UI Vocational Education Program has further strengthened its laboratory base by collaborating with MetroTV, so that starting in 2018 the Communication Study Program has a MetroTV TV Studio lab. Studio MetroTV, apart from being a means for students to train in making broadcast productions, is also an online-based TV broadcast that can be accessed on the Vocational TV Online TV channel.

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