DEPOK – at the Auditorium Building C of Vocational Educational Program Universitas Indonesia, Public Relations Study Program and Communication Vocational Study Program Student Association, held a 2019 Community Service series by presenting a talkshow with the theme “Proud to Be Vocational Student”, with the speaker:: Mujiono (Expert of the Minister of Industry for Education Development Industrial Vocational); Padang Wicaksono, Ph.D (Deputy Director for Education, Research and Student Affairs); Fadli (Key Accounts Community Leader Scheider Electric; Priya Regan P (CE) & Co Founder of Inidia Studio. The activity was attended by 350 participants consisting of teachers, students from high schools, vocational schools, campuses and the wider community throughout Jabodetabek.

“Era 4.0 is the era of the revival of world vocational education both from the academic aspect and in the political arena. According to Comyn & Barnaart, 2010, the World Bank, Unesco and various other global organizations have long advocated that the implementation of vocational education is one method of reducing poverty. As an illustration, according to the 2006 – 2015 annual report, vocational education has made a major contribution to the UK economy. It is estimated that a 10% increase in vocational education will be able to increase the UK’s GDP to 163 billion Pounds Sterling by 2025., “said Devie Rahmawati, Chair of the Vocational Community Service.

“Even in the context of developed countries in Europe, vocational education is the main tool in carrying out economic transformation (Bordeaux Communiqué, 2008). This condition is created due to at least two factors. First, vocational education prepares individuals with sufficient skills to be applied in the world of work, so that this effect has a direct impact on worker productivity which leads to economic growth. The second factor is the ability of vocational education to promote the creation of social inclusion, because it is able to reduce the barriers created in the world of education and training, “added Devie Rahmawati, Head of the UI Public Relations Vocational Study Program.

“So that we can immediately benefit from this vocational economy, we must start from the world of education first. Vocational education, which starts with SMK, D1-D3, is still often underestimated. For that we held a discussion entitled proud to be a vocational student. Whereas in the world, vocational schools to doctoral programs, which are called Applied Doctorates, “said Amelita Lusia, a member of the Public Relations Vocational Community Service.

“There needs to be a serious effort to show that in this country the graduates of the vocational program do have a bright career future, because they already have strong skills, so they can be immediately accepted into work and make the industry take off,” added Amelita Lusia, researcher of Environmental Communications and UI Public Relations Vocational Disaster.

“The world of education cannot run alone. The industry must also begin to open up to accept applicants with a vocational background, which is really needed by the industry. Today we present the Ministry of Industry, which has long been serious about ensuring that the world of industry and education has strong communication and coordination, ”said Rangga Wisesa, Vocational Teacher of Public Relations at UI.[:]


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