Depok, March 5, 2019 – Located at the Auditorium of Vocational Education Program Universitas Indonesia, Vocational Education Program together has a collaboration with the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and PT Indo Premier Sekuritas to inaugurated the IDX Investment Gallery and Laboratory as a learning medium for students related to investment and the capital market. The establishment of the IDX Laboratory and Investment Gallery is also intended to introduce the capital market to students from an early age. This gallery will become a laboratory for students, especially students of the Financial and Banking Administration Study Program.

The Investment Gallery was inaugurated by Mr. Laksono Widito, Director of Trade and Regulation of the IDX, Mr. Alex Widi Kristiono, Director of PT Indo Premier Sekuritas, and Mr. Ir. Antony Sihombing, M.PD., Ph.D, Deputy Director for Resources, Venture, General Administration of the University of Indonesia’s Vocational Education Program.

“Currently, the establishment of the IDX Investment Gallery has a 3 in 1 concept, namely the collaboration between the IDX, Universities and Securities Companies so that it is hoped that the Academic Community will not only know the Capital Market from theory, but can directly identify the practice of the share buying and selling process” said Laksono Widito, Director of Trade and IDX Arrangements.

The Head of the Financial and Banking Administration Study Program, Dede Suryanto, S.Sos., M.Si said that the Investment Gallery is an industry representation that can be used as a business learning laboratory and capital market investment by all study programs in the UI Vocational environment, capital market research and literacy for academics and the wider community. “The first month is the month of testing, we hope that next month it can run optimally,” said Dede

On the same occasion, Ir. Antony Sihombing, M.PD., Phd, Deputy Director of Vocational UI said that  Vocational Education Program has an Investment Gallery and it has a function as a laboratory but also open to the public. “We are happy that more and more industries are committed to supporting Vocational UI through the support of facilities and experts, one of which is the IDX. Students will practice directly in this gallery and make real transactions so that it is hoped that when they graduate, there will be no competency gap between graduates and industrial needs, ”said Antony. In this gallery, the academic community can perform shama transactions in the form of mutual funds or others.

Vocational Education Program Universitas Indonesia provides education with a 3: 2: 1 curriculum where students will study theory and practice in the laboratory for 3 semesters, 2 semesters studying in industry and 1 semester of internship. The study programs at Vocational Education Program include Financial Administration and Banking, Adm. Insurance and Actuarial, Office and Secretarial Admissions, Tax Administration, Communications, Information and Document Management, Tourism, Accounting, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Hospitalization.

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