Vocational Education Program in Universitas Indonesia or Vocational UI established in 2008 by the Rector of the Universitas Indonesia in Decree No. 492 / SK / R / UI / 2008. Vocational UI manage three areas of expertise in which there are 11 courses of Diploma III (D3).
The vocational education program’s history can be traced since 1989, where the administration of Diploma III (D3) is managed by the faculties in UI. The faculties which held D3 level education are the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Humanities, and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
Starting in 2008, the administrative management of the diploma education program in UI will be centralized into a single institution called Vocational program UI. It is aim to make the efficiency of education in line with the vision of UI becoming a world-class research university in the face of global challenges. On the other hand, the diploma program at the University of Indonesia is still needed by the community, it can be seen from the high public interest in the programs that graduates are more rapidly absorbed by the labor market.
Vocational programs are educational programs in college level that aims to prepare professional individual who can apply their expertise and skills in the field, ready to work and be able to compete globally. Graduates of vocational programs geared able to enter the labor market or private industry, government agencies and non-governmental or self-employed. The readiness of human resources can enter the labor market because the teaching pattern in vocational education programs prioritizes practical skill compared to the control theory.