Depok-The Department of Applied Administration and Business, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), held a guest lecture by presenting Mochamad Alvin Dwiana Qobulsyah, S.I.P., M.I.S., International News Assignment Editor & Senior News Producer SEA Today, on February 21, 2025. Titled “Scientific Writing Methods: Qualitative Method“, this guest lecture invited UI Vocational students who will write their final assignments or applied theses to deepen one of the scientific writing techniques, namely the qualitative method, to support the preparation of writing their final assignments.

Director of UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, said that UI Vocational strives to provide students with provisions not only focusing on practice, but also theory that needs to be studied in order to improve their analytical thinking, especially when creating a scientific work. “We encourage students to learn to produce scientific work, both to be presented at scientific conference forums, and the obligation to write their final assignments. So, graduates from UI Vocational are not only competent in practice, but also have critical thinking,” said Padang.

On that occasion, Alvin introduced one of the scientific writing methods, namely the qualitative method that focuses on collecting data through interviews. In order to produce good writing, interviews with sources need to be conducted in depth through exploration of the perspective, experience, and narrative of the source. Alvin said, “Various elements that need to be considered during the interview are building closeness with the source, asking open questions and ensuring that the source provides concrete answers, as well as deeper further questions.”

(Photo: Group photo of students after the guest lecture ended)

In addition, Alvin also shared a number of tips when conducting interviews, namely actively listening to responses from sources, building a comfortable, flexible and adaptive atmosphere so that organic discussions occur, and using exploratory interview techniques and revealing nuanced perspectives.

Before closing the guest lecture session, Alvin also invited students to practice in the form of interviews with classmates for ten minutes. This interview needs to use the techniques and approaches that have been previously explained. Finally, Alvin gave a message to students ahead of writing their final assignment. “Before creating a scientific paper, you need to understand the purpose of writing, create various relevant research questions, and the research methods that will be used. So, writing the scientific paper will be easier and achieve the goals we want,” concluded Alvin.

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