Depok-The Multimedia Broadcasting study program, Vocational Education Program, University of Indonesia (UI), held a guest lecture featuring Saptaji, Producer at Asumsi, one of the national multiplatform digital media, on February 20, 2025. On that occasion, Saptaji invited students to create a video work by building interactive storytelling. The video making process includes the production preparation stage (40%), production process (20%), and post-production (40%).

Saptaji explained starting from production preparation which begins with story development, script writing, location survey process, and creative treatment. “All video production must begin with story development. Furthermore, the script writing process becomes an important part of every production design that we want to create. An interactive story can be built by creating a theme, title, premise, purpose, and standpoint. Without exception, we also need to pay attention to technical matters such as determining the angle and shooting techniques, to camera movements in order to create a dramatic atmosphere in a video,” explained Saptaji.

(Photo: Saptaji explains the stages in producing a video)

Furthermore, Saptaji gave examples of the results of production preparation in the form of moodboards, references, and a timeline of the production process until completion. In the production process, several points that need to be considered are cinematography or videography treatments. Saptaji explained several parts of the camera angle, such as bird eye, high angle, low angle, eye level, and types of shots, such as extreme wide shot, wide shot, full shot, medium shot, medium close up, and close up. Saptaji said that this shooting technique will build the atmosphere of the resulting video or image.

Finally, in the post-production stage, Saptaji revealed that there are two processes, namely offline editing and online editing. Saptaji said, “In the offline editing stage, we will carry out crucial stages. Such as assembling various shots and scenes according to the flow of the script, rough cuts to create an effective series of shots by removing unnecessary shots and scenes, and picture locks which indicate that the video structure will be locked or cannot be revised again.”

(Photo: Presentation of a certificate of appreciation to Saptaji by the Head of the Multimedia Broadcasting Study Program, Peny Meliaty Hutabarat, S.Sos., M.S.M.)

Then, in the online editing process, color grading techniques will be carried out, adding visual effects such as light, smoke, or objects to beautify the image, then motion graphics, and audio mixing to add sound effects or music. “These various stages of production need to be done in order to create an interesting and structured video work. I hope my friends can implement it when they later produce a film or video work,” added Saptaji.

Head of Multimedia Broadcasting Study Program, Peny Meliaty Hutabarat, S.Sos., M.S.M., said that providing students with knowledge about the production process of a film or video work needs to be done before they practice it. “Various technical matters are important processes in a production. We strive to present experienced industry practitioners to share their competencies with students. This learning will be ‘ammunition’ for them when they later enter the industrial world,” concluded Peny.

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