Depok-Risk mitigation is an effort made to reduce the impact or possibility of risk. Risk mitigation also aims to reduce or maintain the level of primary risk, reduce threats to the objectives of a project, and minimize the impact of potential risks. Every company or agency is required to have risk mitigation and be analyzed according to their respective characteristics. No exception, hospitals that have risk mitigation that can affect patient safety, health workers, and hospital operations.

The Hospital Administration study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), presents dr. Mohamad Ihsan Ramdani, MARS, MH, AAAK, FISQua, FRSPH, Director of Tasik Medika Citratama General Hospital (TMC) Tasikmalaya, as a guest lecturer to provide experience in risk mitigation carried out by TMC Tasikmalaya Hospital. According to him, mitigation includes a series of strategic steps to identify, analyze, design, and implement preventive measures so that risks can be minimized or eliminated.

(Photo: dr. Ihsan explains about risk management)

On that occasion, dr. Ihsan gave several examples of potential risks that can occur in hospitals, such as the risk of babies being swapped, patient complaints on social media, health workers being pricked by needles, fake vaccines, failed BPJS Health claims, and others. dr. Ihsan explained, “In carrying out risk mitigation, the risk management team can identify potential risks through the annual risk register form. This form includes identified risks, risk ratings, risk handling, residual risk ratings, person in charge, as well as review dates and dates of issuance. The existence of this form will facilitate risk mitigation that can be carried out by hospitals in handling potential risks that can occur.”

For example, in the risk of baby swapping, there are a number of risk identifications that arise. For example, misidentification of the baby, non-standard procedures, lack of supervision in the baby room, to miscommunication between medical personnel during shift changes. Risk mitigation that can be done is to prepare SOPs for identifying babies and mothers, utilizing joint care procedures for mothers and babies, double verification when transferring babies, providing education to parents, and a special labeling and color system on baby bracelets according to gender or certain medical categories.

In addition, RS TMC Tasikmalaya also applies the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method, which is an engineering method to identify and eliminate potential failures. Then, analysis of vulnerability to hazards through Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA). “FMEA can be done by identifying high-risk processes, describing their sub-processes, identifying potential failures in sub-processes, and risk management. After that, a redesign of the FMEA results is carried out until completion,” said dr. Ihsan.

(Photo: dr. Ihsan gives an example of a risk register that can be created by the risk management team)

Furthermore, dr. Ihsan said that risk mitigation in hospitals is a strategic step in ensuring patient safety, service quality, and the sustainability of hospital operations. “Risk management is carried out proactively and reactively through an approach based on identification, analysis, recommendations, and improvement trials. In addition, risk mitigation is not just a technical procedure, but also part of a culture of safety and quality improvement in hospitals. By implementing a systematic mitigation strategy, hospitals can improve service quality, ensure patient safety, and maintain public trust,” said dr. Ihsan.

Dr. Nia Murniati, S.K.M., M.K.M., Head of the Applied Health Department and lecturer in charge of the course, said that the lecture featuring guest lecturers from hospitals will provide real experience to students who will later work in health institutions. “Hopefully, students of the Hospital Administration study program can explore risk mitigation in the hospital environment and understand the potential that can occur in it. So, when they enter the industry later, they can implement the knowledge given by dr. Ihsan,” concluded Nia.

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