Depok-The Multimedia Broadcasting study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a national seminar themed “Contemporary Challenges in Journalism: Balancing Enterprise Reporting, Digital, and Impactful Storytelling” on November 19, 2024. The activity held at the UI Vocational Auditorium presented Roni Satria, S.STP, M.Si., a digital journalism expert, and was attended by more than a hundred participants.

Roni started the material with the topic of enterprise journalism. Roni explained that enterprise journalism is a form of coverage that shows that a journalist conducts his own research and investigation to prepare a story that is not related to a press release or press conference. Roni also taught how to avoid monotonous coverage by digging deep into data in journalism.

(Photo: Roni delivering material about the world of journalism)

Roni also explained about the characteristics of digital journalism and its important role in this modern era. No less important, Roni emphasized that storytelling techniques are also a main point in journalism. “As technology develops, digital journalism becomes an effective tool to reach a wider audience. Combined with impactful storytelling techniques, the message to be conveyed can build emotional connections, inspire action, and create awareness for the audience,” said Roni.

Head of Multimedia Broadcasting Study Program, Peny Meliaty Hutabarat, S.Sos., M.S.M., said that the role of journalism is very important in society, so students need to gain extensive knowledge from industry experts. “Journalism is not just a medium for conveying information, but also an instrument of change that can have a broad impact on society,” said Peny.

Through this seminar, Peny also hopes that the audience can implement new knowledge and strategies in journalism practices, and continue to innovate to maintain credibility and relevance in the digital era.

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