Depok-At the age of 74, the Universitas Indonesia (UI) is presenting a series of events celebrating its Anniversary with the theme “Continuously Building a Sustainable Indonesia”. This big theme is a manifestation of UI’s seriousness in creating a sustainable campus ecosystem. Currently, UI has succeeded in occupying first position in Indonesia and 24th in the world according to the UI GreenMetric 2023 ranking. This achievement proves that UI has never stopped pursuing sustainable campus management, both from environmental, social and economic aspects. In addition, all UI residents take part and participate in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, through implementing the three pillars of higher education.

The series of celebrations began with an open session held on February 2, 2024 through a scientific oration by Prof. Drs. Jatna Supriatna, Ph.D., Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UI, entitled “Continuous Sustainable Development in Indonesia: A Perspective Review from Conservation and Sustainability Science”.

Furthermore, the series of events for UI’s 74th Anniversary were marked by various competitions for all UI academics, including lecturers, education staff, students, alumni, as well as external parties. The competitions held by UI are the Defile Competition; Band Competition; Badminton Competition; Song Creation Competition; Futsal Competition; Race Hike Competition; Singing Competition; Recycled Fashion Design Competition; Tug-of-war Competition; Table Tennis Competition; Tumpeng Decorating Competition; Instagram Reels Video Competition; and News Writing Competition for Mass Media Journalists.

The Vocational Education Program, as a part of UI, also participates in enlivening this annual celebration. Several competitions in which lecturers, education staff, students and UI Vocational alumni take part are the Band Competition; Badminton Competition; Song Creation Competition; Futsal Competition; Race Hike Competition; Singing Competition; Recycled Fashion Design Competition; Table Tennis Competition; and Tumpeng Decorating Competition. The competition was held throughout February 2024. Officially opened on February 6, 2024, the series of competitions started with the Recycled Fashion Design Competition and Tumpeng Decorating Competition.

(Photo: UI Vocational recycled fashion design competition team on UI’s 74th Anniversary)

(Photo: UI Vocational futsal competition team at UI’s 74th Anniversary)

(Photo: UI Vocational Tumpeng decoration competition team on UI’s 74th Anniversary)

In the Recycled Clothing Design Competition, UI Vocational presented a fashion design with the theme “Urip Merak Nusantara”. The word “urip” comes from Javanese which means life because the clothing includes batik patchwork which symbolizes the Javanese tribe. Meanwhile, the green peacock represents a rare animal that is almost extinct and must be protected. Then, “Nusantara” means a series of islands like Indonesia which is an archipelagic country. It is hoped that various recycled materials that are reused into gown can reduce the negative impact of excessive waste accumulation. This gown also shows efforts to disseminate information and education for self-awareness that these animals are currently included in the protected animal category. So, we must maintain the peacock population so that it remains sustainable.

Apart from that, participation in the Tumpeng Decorating Competition from the UI Vocational team illustrates efforts to reuse patchwork into other items through fashion waste containers in the UI Vocational environment. The hope is that unused fabric can be reused into ready-to-use items.

The series of events for the 74th UI Anniversary closed with the peak event on February 21, 2024 which was held at the Balairung UI. Every UI Vocational academic community has won various awards and championships. The various awards and championships are as follows.

Academic and Student Affairs Sector

  1. 1st Place in the Faculty with the Most Entries for Activities in the MBKM Mandiri – Independent Internship Program (28 activities);
  2. 2nd Place in the Organizing Faculty with the Most Participants in the MBKM Mandiri – Independent Internship Program (64 participants);
  3. Best Faculty Organizing Non-Credit MOOCs for the Independent MBKM – MOOCs Program (Score: 16,385);
  4. 4th Place for Most Productive Faculty Developing MOOCs in 2023 (14 MOOCs);
  5. 3rd Place, Lecturer Organizing UI MOOCs with the Most Participants in 2023 (Dr. Yulius Eka Agung Seputra, S.Ak., S.T., M.Si. – Data Analyst, total of 97 UI and non-UI participants);
  6. 1st Place for Faculties Using the EMAS UI System in Learning in 2023 (73.98%);

(Photo: (L-R): Peny Meliaty Hutabarat, S.Sos., M.S.M.; Dr. Yulius Eka Agung Seputra; Mareta Maulidiyanti, S.Sos., M.M.))

Research and Innovation Sector

  1. Best Service Lecturer: Mareta Maulidiyanti, S.Sos., M.M.;
  2. Best Startup Team:

Startup Name: Adapto
CEO & Proposer: Peny Meliaty Hutabarat, M.S.M.
COO: Fitrah Noor Rizqi (Alumni of Multimedia Broadcasting Study Program)

University Secretary Sector

  1. 2nd Place for Best Faculty in the Healthy University Rating System Assessment
  2. 2nd Place in the Archives Unit with the Best Internal Archives Supervision Results in 2023
  3. 1st Place in Faculty/School/Vocational Education Program with Accountable and Timely Performance Reports
  4. 3rd Place in Faculty with the Highest Number of Published Press Releases (44 press releases)

Apart from that, in various competitions that were participated in, UI Vocational succeeded in bringing home a number of achievements, namely as follows.

  1. Song Creation Competition Winner: Tarapti Ikhtiar Rinrin (Public Relations Study Program Alumni)
    Song Title: Rayakan Perbedaan (Celebrate Differences)
  2. 2nd Place in Band Competition: Adrian Setiawan Trio (FIA Educational Staff & Alumni of Finance and Banking Administration Study Program)
  3. 2nd Place in Solo Category Singing Competition: Fayyaza Ayesha Wibowo (Media Production Study Program Student)
  4. 2nd Place in the Recycled Fashion Design Competition: Raden Muhammad Rafi Tata Samudra; Fitriana Dwi Asmarani, S.E.; Tias Nofia Rofiqoh, A.Md.Prs.; Maulidina Amalia, S.I.Kom.; Laila Rahmah, S.K.M.; and Nurul Amalia Fitriyanti
    Costume Title: Urip Merak Nusantara
    Model: Jehannonika (Records and Archives Management Study Program Student)
  1. 3rd Place in Futsal: Niko Grataridarga, S.Hum., M.Hum.; Ridwan Endang Kartiwa, S.IP., M.Si.; Muhamad Erwin Apriyanto, S.Kom.; Grega Angkasa Akbar, S.Kom.; Jarkasih, A.Md.; Dian Wararip; Ardi Firdaus; Yopi Susanto; Ahmad Rizal; Ahmad; Ahya Ihsanu Sakhiy (Multimedia Broadcasting Study Program Student); and Karel Davidz Roykha Pinehas Awuy (Public Relations Study Program Student)
  2. 3rd Place in Tumpeng Decorating Competition: Khairunnisa Devani Aqtus Permana Putri, S.I.Kom.; Melisa Bunga Altamira, S.Sos., M.Si.; Mila Viendyasari, S.Sos., M.Si.; and Hilda Sabrina Suprapto (Public Relations Study Program Student)

(Photo: UI Vocational table tennis competition team at UI’s 74th Anniversary)

(Photo: UI Vocational badminton competition team at UI’s 74th Anniversary)

(Photo: UI Vocational race hike competition team on UI’s 74th Anniversary)

(Photo: UI Vocational gymnastics team at UI’s 74th Anniversary)

The Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, really appreciated the various awards and champions achieved by the UI Vocational academic community. According to him, efforts to make UI a sustainable campus have been increasingly implemented by UI Vocational through various programs. “I hope that UI Vocational can continue to participate and support UI in making Indonesia sustainable. Happy 74th Anniversary of the Universitas Indonesia!” closed Padang.

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