Depok-Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program Public Relations Student Association (HM Vokhum) and the Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program Student Association of Finance and Banking Administration (HIMAKUPA) conducted an industrial visit with the theme “Learning About Digital Marketing Communication for Our Professional Career” on August 9-10, 2023. The work program is a collaboration and innovation between communication and finance, especially for digital marketing activities.

(Photo: Company tour at MarkPlus, Inc.)

The Public Relations and Finance and Banking Administration study program students visited MarkPlus, Inc. on August 9, 2023. On this occasion, they were given exposure to digital marketing communication in terms of communication or public relations, as well as material about personal branding. After the presentation, they were invited to go on an office tour to see the situation and conditions of the work environment at MarkPlus, Inc.

Accompanied by Dony Hermawan, M.Si., lecturer in the Public Relations study program, company visit activity at MarkPlus, Inc. The event closed with an exchange of souvenirs between the UI Vocational Education Program and MarkPlus, Inc. This activity is expected to increase and develop students’ potential and self-value.

(Photo: Visit of HM Vokhum UI and HIMAKUPA to the Bank Indonesia Museum)

On the following day, students again made a company visit to the Bank Indonesia Museum to see and listen directly to information about the history of banking in Indonesia. On this occasion, they were invited to tour the museum and program to add insight and understanding of the roles, functions and policies of Bank Indonesia. Apart from that, they can also see information on the numismatic collection and architecture of the museum building.

(Photo: UI Vocational Students visiting the Bank Indonesia Museum)

Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, welcomed the company visit activity. According to him, company visit activities can be a provision for students to get to know the industry before getting involved after graduation. He said, “This industrial visit is expected to be a source of learning and motivation for them in achieving their goals. I hope this work program can continue and collaborate with other UI Vocational student associations.”

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