Depok-In the current era of digitalization, technology is developing rapidly and sophisticatedly. Without exception, in the sports sector, competitions have begun to appear that can be held online using certain electronic devices. Electronic sport or commonly known as e-sport is an electronic competition that focuses on games as a field of competition. Seeing this opportunity, students of the Public Relations study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), who are members of HM Vokhum UI, held an e-sport tournament titled Pro Esport 2023 which focuses on the Mobile Legends branch of the game.

The tournament, which was held online from 27-30 June 2023, was attended by 18 teams from various ages. The tournament is also open to the public, both students, university students, and the general public.

(Photo: 2023 PRo Esport Tournament Semifinals)

Head of the Public Relations Study Program, Mareta Maulidiyanti, S.Sos., M.M., stated that this activity is an interesting work program for the current generation. According to her, organizing an event for Public Relations students is one of the lessons for them. “Through organizing events online and using the concept of e-sport tournaments can be a new experience. Especially training their skills in the field of public relations, namely managing an event,” said Mareta.

There were three teams that won the title in the event, namely Avernus A as 1st Place, Avernus B as 2nd Place, and Sana Esport as 3rd Place. Hopefully, Pro Esport 2023 can provide an interesting entertainment experience for the audience.

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