The National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) granted superior accreditation to the UI Vocational Actuarial and Insurance Administration study program on Tuesday (14/6) through BAN-PT Decree (SK) No. 3688/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/Dipl-III/VI/2022. The Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D., said that after becoming the first insurance and actuarial study program in Indonesia to achieve superior accreditation, the UI Vocational Actuarial and Insurance Administration study program will continue to strive to improve performance and produce graduates who superior.

“After previously the Accounting study program achieved “Excellent” accreditation, now the Insurance and Actuarial Administration study program also follows with the same achievement. As a study program that focuses on competence in the insurance and actuarial fields, of course we hope to produce graduates who are in line with industry needs,” said Padang Wicaksono.

Ministerial Regulation of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number 5 of 2020 and Regulation of BAN-PT Number 1 of 2020 explain that BAN-PT has released Higher Education Accreditation (APT) 3.0 and Private University Accreditation APS 4.0 with 9 standards used as renewal of the previous instrument, namely APT 2.0 and APS 3.0 with 7 standard.

The UI Vocational Insurance and Actuarial Administration Study Program was declared to have obtained an “Excellent” accreditation rating after going through a series of IPEPA (Accreditation Rating Monitoring and Evaluation Instruments) processes. IPEPA is a new monitoring instrument used by BAN-PT when the independent campus program was in progress for the extension of accreditation. “This is an award for us and the UI Vocational academicians for the hard work they have done to achieve this achievement. Hopefully the achievement of this accreditation can represent the excellence of the quality of education possessed by the Insurance and Actuarial Administration Study Program,” explained Padang.

The UI Vocational Actuarial and Insurance Administration Study Program carries out a curriculum development and learning process that is in line with the syllabus of the Asosiasi Ahli Manajemen Asuransi Indonesia (AAMAI), Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII), and Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia (PAI). Each graduate will also be guided to have various professional certificates, including: 1) Ajun Ahli Asuransi Indonesia Jiwa (AAAIJ) and Ahli Asuransi Indonesia Jiwa (AAIJ); 2) Ajun Ahli Asuransi Indonesia Kerugian (AAAIK) dan Ahli Asuransi Indonesia Kerugian (AAIK); 3) Associate Societies Actuary Indonesia (ASAI); 4) Certificate in General Insurance (CGI) and Certificate in Life Insurance (CLI); 5) Certificate of The Malaysian Insurance Institute (CMII) – Life and Certificate of The Malaysian Insurance Institute – General; dan 6) Underwriting Asuransi Level 5.

A more complete explanation related to the UI Vocational Insurance and Actuarial Administration study program can be accessed on the page. The UI Vocational Actuarial and Insurance Administration Study Program has opened registration for prospective new students through the Achievement and Equity Learning Opportunity (PPKB) pathway and the UI SIMAK Written Examination Selection.

For complete information regarding the admission of prospective students, it can be accessed on the page.

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