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Vokasi at a glance

Learn how our transformative education and multidisciplinary research have nurtured effective global leaders, influenced people, and changed lives for the better.


UI Vocational Tax Clinic Collaborates with 3 Tax Consultant Offices, Gives Free Consultation

UI Vocational Tax Clinic Collaborates with 3 Tax Consultant Offices, Gives Free Consultation

Depok-Tax Administration Study Program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) inaugurated the Tax Clinic, on Wednesday, January 19, 2022. It is one of the flagship programs of the Vocational Campus Competition Fund through the Industrial-Based Applied Undergraduate Program Development grant program, Directorate of Vocational and ... Baca Selanjutnya
Infinity Art Space: Platform-Based Creative Industry, Brings UI Vocational Achievement to National Scientific Essay Champion

Infinity Art Space: Platform-Based Creative Industry, Brings UI Vocational Achievement to National Scientific Essay Champion

Depok-Kevin Exaudi Siregar and Filicia Fiona, students of the Insurance and Actuarial Administration Study Program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) won second place in the national scientific essay competition. Through "Infinity Art Space: Platform-Based Creative Industry to Support the Existence of Indonesian Street Artists ... Baca Selanjutnya
UI Vocational Invites MSMEs Players to Use Digital Applications for Financial Records

UI Vocational Invites MSMEs Players to Use Digital Applications for Financial Records

Depok-In a business, the recording income-expenditures process, bookkeeping to recapitulation of the number of stock items is an inseparable part of daily business operations. Even though it seems insignificant, mismanagement can result in an error in calculating profit and loss which in the long run ... Baca Selanjutnya
1st Place in EBEC FESTIVAL 2021, UI Students Initiate Innovation for Reducing Plastic Packaging Waste

1st Place in EBEC FESTIVAL 2021, UI Students Initiate Innovation for Reducing Plastic Packaging Waste

Depok-Although it has only been opened since 2021, the Creative Business Study Program recorded a proud achievement as 1st place in the BUSINESS PLAN COMPETITION EBEC FESTIVAL 2021 competition: "The Potential of Digital Marketing for Millennials in The New Normal Era". It was achieved by ... Baca Selanjutnya
Efforts to Promote Historical Tourism Villages Through Podcasting and Audio Storytelling

Efforts to Promote Historical Tourism Villages Through Podcasting and Audio Storytelling

Depok-Situ Cisanti (Cisanti Lake), or also known as Kilometer 0 of the Citarum River, is one of the destinations that is a tourist attraction for Tarumajaya Village, Kertasari District, Bandung Regency. Not only offers natural beauty, Cisanti Lake also has its own historical story. Besides ... Baca Selanjutnya
Training Families' Skills on How to Care for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Training Families’ Skills on How to Care for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Depok-Fifteen children with cerebral palsy--aged 4 to 14 years--gathered that day at a house in the Ciganjur area, accompanied by their mother, also their parents and siblings. The children's parents listened carefully to the explanation given by Elsa Roselina, a lecturer at the Vocational Education ... Baca Selanjutnya
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Semoga tercapai, yaaahh


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Siapa yang pengen nonton film karya anak bangsa di Vokasi UI???

Biskop alternatif di lingkungan kampus dapat menjadi ruang bagi mahasiswa untuk mendistribusikan film-film untuk pengembangan ekosistem perfilman Indonesia.

Program studi Penyiaran Multimedia mengadakan Vocast Talks x Ruang Sinema yang dihadiri oleh Dr. Mohammad Amin, M.Sn., M.A., Direktur Industri Kreatif Musik, Film, dan Animasi Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif dan Redemptus Rangga Raditya, CEO Rangkai.id

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2025
Belajar public speaking dan MC bareng kak Bayu Oktara, S.I.Kom., M.M. seorang Communication dan Marketing Specialist sekaligus aktor dan penyiar radio!

Kegiatan ini diadakan oleh Ikatan Wanita Keluarga (IWK) Vokasi UI yang bertujuan untuk membangun kepercayaan diri wanita saat berbicara di depan umum.

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2025
Hi, #KawanVoks! 

MinVoks mau info pengajuan cuti akademik direncanakan semester genap 2024/2025. Yuk simak informasi berikut~~


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2025
Beberapa waktu lalu, program studi Administrasi Perkantoran menyelenggarakan kuliah umum bertajuk “Dasar Project Management: Kunci Sukses Mengelola Proyek”. Kuliah umum tersebut menghadirkan Burhanuddin Akmal, Project Manager Metrodata Academy, sebagai pembicara dan diselenggarakan di Ruang Intraco Vokasi UI.

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2025
Halo, Sivitas Akademika UI!

Dalam rangka memeriahkan Perayaan Dies Natalis ke-75, Universitas Indonesia mengadakan berbagai rangkaian kegiatan lomba Kreativitas dan Inovasi yang dapat diikuti oleh Seluruh Sivitas Akademika UI!📽️✨

Mari turut menyukseskan Dies Natalis UI tahun ini dengan ikut berpartisipasi dalam perlombaannya, yaa. Informasi lengkapnya dapat dilihat melalui postingan berikut atau melalui tautan ui.id/dies75🙌🏻

Sudah siap menjadi juara di perlombaan kali ini? Hmm tapi sebelum itu, kira-kira ada yang tau ga ya kapan ulang tahun UI? Jawab di kolom komentar, ya!💛🤩

Halo, Sivitas Akademika UI!

Dalam rangka memeriahkan Perayaan Dies Natalis ke-75, Universitas Indonesia mengadakan berbagai rangkaian kegiatan lomba UI Got Talent yang dapat diikuti oleh Seluruh Sivitas Akademika UI 🎸🎹✨

Mari turut menyukseskan Dies Natalis UI tahun ini dengan ikut berpartisipasi dalam perlombaannya, yaa. Informasi lengkapnya dapat dilihat melalui postingan berikut atau melalui tautan ui.id/dies75 🙌🏻

Sudah siap menjadi juara di perlombaan kali ini? Hmm tapi sebelum itu, kira-kira ada yang tau ga ya kapan ulang tahun UI? Jawab di kolom komentar, ya!💛🤩

Halo, Sivitas Akademika UI!

Dalam rangka memeriahkan Perayaan Dies Natalis ke-75, Universitas Indonesia mengadakan berbagai rangkaian kegiatan lomba Olahraga dan Ketangkasan yang dapat diikuti oleh Seluruh Sivitas Akademika UI 🏸 ✨

Mari turut menyukseskan Dies Natalis UI tahun ini dengan ikut berpartisipasi dalam perlombaannya, yaa. Informasi lengkapnya dapat dilihat melalui postingan berikut atau melalui tautan ui.id/dies75🙌🏻

Sudah siap menjadi juara di perlombaan kali ini? Hmm tapi sebelum itu, kira-kira ada yang tau ga ya kapan ulang tahun UI? Jawab di kolom komentar, ya!💛🤩

Program Pendidikan Vokasi UI meraih peringkat 3 UI GreenMetric 2024!

Selamat kepada Vokasi UI! Terus berprestasiiii🥳🥳🥳🥳


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2025
Inovasi es skrim baru, nih!🍦🍦🍨🍨

Es krim “CaisCream” buatan Mahasiswa Bisnis Kreatif Vokasi UI meraih juara 2 pada Business Plan Competition Brawijaya Business and Career 2024.

Hernan Crespo Barus, Adiba Khanza Aleyna Putri, dan Zafira Althafi Hidayat yang tergabung dalam tim Cuan berinovasi menciptakan es krim berbahan dasar sayur caisim yang lezat, kaya nutrisi, dan ramah lingkungan

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Informasi jadwal pendaftaran jalur SNBP dan UTBK SNBT sudah keluar!!

Was wesss wossss gaaak sabaaar jadi maba Vokasi UI 2025!

Apa program studi impian KawanVoks?


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Selamat Hari Natal bagi yang merayakan, KawanVoks!!

Semoga penuh kedamaian dan suka cita. Natal dan libur panjang, nih. Jangan lupa list itinerary, yah~~


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2023
Dua mahasiswa Vokasi UI Patricia Revi De Mila (Bisnis Kreatif) dan Sutan Excel (Administrasi Keuangan dan Perbankan); dan mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) Fharied Agiel Musriana, meraih dua juara pada dua kompetisi, yaitu Juara 1 pada kompetisi Economic Development Summit 3.0 dan Juara 2 pada The 7th IPB Business Festival. Peraihan juara ini didapatkan berkat solusi inovatif dengan adopsi teknologi dalam industri peternakan. Mereka menciptakan produk bernama Bettercows, yaitu pakan sapi yang mengandung rumput laut dan 3-Nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP).

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Selamat hari Ibu, KawanVoks!

Apa momen yang paling KawanVoks kangenin dengan Mama?


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
🥳🥳🥳 Selamat atas pencapaian Lektor Kepala Vokasi UI!! 🥳🥳🥳

Deni Danial Kesa, MBA., Ph.D

Terus berkarya, berinovasi, dan memajukan Indonesia di Bidang Manajemen Pemasaran!


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
🥳🥳🥳 Selamat atas pencapaian Lektor Kepala Vokasi UI!! 🥳🥳🥳

Dr. Devie Rahmawati, S.Sos., M.Hum

Terus berkarya, berinovasi, dan memajukan Indonesia di bidang media dan komunikasi!


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1 month ago

Hi, KawanVoks! Siapa yang pengen lanjut kuliah di luar negeri setelah lulus dari Vokasi UI? Nah, Vo...

Antiplagiarisme pada Karya Audiovisual Mahasiswa Vokasi UI

Antiplagiarisme pada Karya Audiovisual Mahasiswa Vokasi UI

2 months ago

Hi, #KawanVoks! #KawanVoks tahu ngga, sih? Vokasi UI sangat menekankan nilai kejujuran di lingkunga...

Open House: Kenali Lebih Dekat, Magister Terapan (S2) Vokasi UI

Open House: Kenali Lebih Dekat, Magister Terapan (S2) Vokasi UI

3 months ago

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2024, pk. 10.00 - 12.00wib Kata Pengantar: Deni Danial Kesa, MBA., Ph.D. (Wakil D...



3 months ago

Mahasiswa S2 Magister Terapan Industri Kreatif (MATRIK) Vokasi UI goes to INACRAFT!! Pada kunjungan...

Vokasi Alumni

Vokasi UI was once their second home. What are they saying?

Photo News

Because pictures are worth a thousand words..

UI Vocational Student Director Safari (SADEWA), Advocacy of Student Aspirations for the Future of Vocational Studies

Depok-The Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a Student Director Safari (SADEWA) activity for the second half of 2024 on December 13, 2024. The activity was...

UI Vocational Provides Rainwater Reservoirs in Campus Area

  The Universitas Indonesia (UI) Vocational Education Program provides rainwater storage in the area around the UI Vocational Literacy Park. This rainwater storage pond is designed to collect rainwater that is used for various...

Supporting Smoke-Free Campuses, UI Vocational Encourages Smoking Ban Policy

In order to realize a healthy campus, through the Decree of the UI Rector No. 1/SK/R/2016 concerning the Implementation of Health, Safety, and the Environment, and the Decree of the Rector No. 1805/SK/R/2011 concerning Smoke-Free Areas,...

Natural Oil Products for Relaxation by UI Vocational Lecturer

Lecturer of Physiotherapy study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), Bintang Mukhammad Burhanudin Akbar, M.M., won UI Incubate 2023 for the natural oil product he developed. The product called Rosari - Essential Oil...

UI Vocational Director Appreciates Study Programs and Work Units with the Best Rankings in Performance Contract Achievements Through Completion in the SAKTI Application

Entering the fourth quarter, the UI Vocational Education Program conducted an evaluation of the 2024 performance contract fulfillment activities for work units and study programs. The evaluation...

Free Drinking Water for UI Vocational Academic

  The Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program provides free drinking water for academicians, namely lecturers, students, and education staff. In addition, free drinking water is also provided at various student activities.

UI Vocational Provides Free Drinking Water for Academic Community

  The University of Indonesia Vocational Education Program provides free drinking water for academicians, namely lecturers, students, and education staff. In addition, free drinking water is also provided at various student...

To Improve Mental Health of Lecturers and Education Personnel, UI Vocational Holds Capacity Building Activities in Lombok

  Mental health is a condition in which an individual has good psychological and emotional well-being, including patterns of thinking, acting, and how to deal with stress. No less...

UI Vocational Provides Water-Saving Equipment

In the UI Vocational Education Program environment, the implementation of water-saving equipment is an integral part of sustainable water conservation efforts. Various water-saving technologies, such as automatic sensor...

UI Vocational Routinely Conducts Facility Maintenance Throughout 2023-2024

The Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program continues to strive to maintain facilities, both to support lecture activities for lecturers and students, as well as other rooms for the entire...

Visit from MD Entertainment, Opens Opportunities for Collaboration with UI Vocational

Depok-Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), received a visit from MD Entertainment, one of the film and series production houses in Indonesia. The visit was attended by a number of directors...

UI Vocational Encourages Academics to Use Emission-Free and Carbon-Free Vehicles

Based on the Decree of the Director of the Vocational Education Program Number 79/SK/F14.DV/UI/2023, the Vocational Education Program encourages students and employees to use emission-free and carbon-free vehicles. Through this...

Realizing a Green Campus, UI Vocational Has a Number of Fruit Plants in the Campus Area

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia has more than 17 types of plants and has produced fruit. Plants that can produce fruit include jackfruit, tomato fruit, water apple, breadfruit, mango. and...

Supporting Wastewater Treatment, UI Vocational Provides Sewage Treatment Plant

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia provides a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) located behind the VB building. The STP is used for processing liquid waste intended for domestic waste, namely feces and laundry...

UI Vocational Provides Safe and Comfortable Pedestrian Facilities

Pedestrians have the right to access supporting facilities such as sidewalks, crosswalks, and other facilities. Pedestrians have the right to priority when crossing the road at intersections. If there is no crosswalk,...

UI Vocational Lecturers and Students Plant 2,500 Mangrove Seedlings in Pantai Bakti Village

In order to support the coastal and marine conservation program, students, the Student Executive Board (BEM), and lecturers of the Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program, have held a community service program entitled GERTAKAU...

UI Vocational Provides Facilities to Support Security and Comfort in Campus Area

The Vocational Education Program has provided security and safety facilities, such as surveillance monitors located in each building, CCTV that is...

UI Vocational Achieves Five Lecturers with Senior Lecturer Functional Positions by the End of 2024

Depok-Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), has again produced five lecturers with the functional position of Senior Lecturer. This achievement was conveyed by the Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D at the...

Increasing Conservation, Protection Efforts, and Being Proud of Cultural Heritage, UI Vocational Lecturers and Education Staff Wear Sasak Traditional Clothing

Wearing traditional clothing and respecting regional culture is very relevant to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) point 11.4, namely increasing efforts to preserve and protect the world's cultural and natural heritage....

To Improve Employees’ Emotional Well-Being, UI Vocational Director Gives Appreciation to Educational Personnel Who Will Retire

Retirement is one of the career journey cycles that every employee will go through. Retirement is an important moment for an employee. As a form of appreciation for dedication and contribution over the years of service, the...

UI Vocational Educational Staff Pass Microsoft Office Specialization (MOS) International Certification

Depok-Two educational staff from the Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), successfully passed the international Microsoft Office Specialization (MOS) certification which was held through training and certification tests on November 21-23, 2024....

Optimizing the Use of Energy-Saving Equipment in UI Vocational Environment

As an implementation of the policy of the Director's Decree Number: 75/SK/F14.DV/UI/2023 concerning Energy Conversion, the Vocational Education Program has owned and used energy-saving equipment by 83.81% in...

Realizing an Inclusive Campus, UI Vocational Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia has provided public facilities that are designed in such a way that they can be accessed by people with disabilities. Thus, people with...

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