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Vokasi at a glance

Learn how our transformative education and multidisciplinary research have nurtured effective global leaders, influenced people, and changed lives for the better.


UI Vocational Tax Clinic Collaborates with 3 Tax Consultant Offices, Gives Free Consultation

UI Vocational Tax Clinic Collaborates with 3 Tax Consultant Offices, Gives Free Consultation

Depok-Tax Administration Study Program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) inaugurated the Tax Clinic, on Wednesday, January 19, 2022. It is one of the flagship programs of the Vocational Campus Competition Fund through the Industrial-Based Applied Undergraduate Program Development grant program, Directorate of Vocational and ... Baca Selanjutnya
Infinity Art Space: Platform-Based Creative Industry, Brings UI Vocational Achievement to National Scientific Essay Champion

Infinity Art Space: Platform-Based Creative Industry, Brings UI Vocational Achievement to National Scientific Essay Champion

Depok-Kevin Exaudi Siregar and Filicia Fiona, students of the Insurance and Actuarial Administration Study Program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) won second place in the national scientific essay competition. Through "Infinity Art Space: Platform-Based Creative Industry to Support the Existence of Indonesian Street Artists ... Baca Selanjutnya
UI Vocational Invites MSMEs Players to Use Digital Applications for Financial Records

UI Vocational Invites MSMEs Players to Use Digital Applications for Financial Records

Depok-In a business, the recording income-expenditures process, bookkeeping to recapitulation of the number of stock items is an inseparable part of daily business operations. Even though it seems insignificant, mismanagement can result in an error in calculating profit and loss which in the long run ... Baca Selanjutnya
1st Place in EBEC FESTIVAL 2021, UI Students Initiate Innovation for Reducing Plastic Packaging Waste

1st Place in EBEC FESTIVAL 2021, UI Students Initiate Innovation for Reducing Plastic Packaging Waste

Depok-Although it has only been opened since 2021, the Creative Business Study Program recorded a proud achievement as 1st place in the BUSINESS PLAN COMPETITION EBEC FESTIVAL 2021 competition: "The Potential of Digital Marketing for Millennials in The New Normal Era". It was achieved by ... Baca Selanjutnya
Efforts to Promote Historical Tourism Villages Through Podcasting and Audio Storytelling

Efforts to Promote Historical Tourism Villages Through Podcasting and Audio Storytelling

Depok-Situ Cisanti (Cisanti Lake), or also known as Kilometer 0 of the Citarum River, is one of the destinations that is a tourist attraction for Tarumajaya Village, Kertasari District, Bandung Regency. Not only offers natural beauty, Cisanti Lake also has its own historical story. Besides ... Baca Selanjutnya
Training Families' Skills on How to Care for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Training Families’ Skills on How to Care for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Depok-Fifteen children with cerebral palsy--aged 4 to 14 years--gathered that day at a house in the Ciganjur area, accompanied by their mother, also their parents and siblings. The children's parents listened carefully to the explanation given by Elsa Roselina, a lecturer at the Vocational Education ... Baca Selanjutnya
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Futihat Nurul Karimah, Hurin Nazhifah Mumtaz, dan Quinta Ayu Maharani, mahasiswa Hubungan Masyarakat yang tergabung dalam tim Spread Love berhasil meraih posisi kedua dalam lomba nasional Pemuda Indonesia Awards kategori PR Deck yang diadakan oleh Perhimpunan Hubungan Masyarakat (Perhumas) Indonesia.

Berkat tagline “Tumbuh bersama modernisasi, kembali ke akar tradisi”, tim Spread Love menginginkan agar generasi muda sadar akan melestarikan nilai tradisi, khususnya subak di Desa Jatiluwih, Bali.

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


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Tanamkan integritas dengan berantas tindakan korupsi! Yuk, bersama-sama kita bangun Indonesia menjadi negara bebas dari korupsi!


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024

Siap - siap ⏰untuk dapet banyak experience tentang media lewat pesta media terbesar di UI, dengan beberapa activity yang pastinya sayang kalo di lewatin🤩‼️
💥 Talkshow with Chandra Liow & Andovi Da Lopez
💥 Media Interactive Exhibition 
💥 Music Performance 
💥 Mini Workshop with Voice of America (VOA)

🗓️ Sabtu, 7 Desember 2024
⏰ 09.00 - 18.00
📍 Auditorium Vokasi UI


Catat tanggal nya dan menangin doorprizenya🎟️🔥

Follow @mediaexperience.ui untuk informasi lebih lanjut


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Unggah ulang @univ_indonesia

Selamat datang Calon Mahasiswa UI Program Pascasarjana Semester Genap Tahun 2024.

Keberhasilan ini adalah buah dari perjuangan, pengorbanan, dan doa yang telah dilakukan dengan sepenuh hati. Selamat bergabung dalam keluarga besar Kampus Perjuangan, Universitas Indonesia.

Simak tata cara registrasi ulang pada unggahan ini dengan saksama. Dan sampai bertemu di Universitas Indonesia!✨

#UniversitasIndonesia #SIMAKUI #Pascasarjana
Pimpinan dan segenap sivitas akademika Program Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Indonesia mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D atas dedikasi dan kerja keras sebagai Rektor Universitas Indonesia periode 2019–2024. Semoga setiap dedikasi yang telah diberikan dapat berdampak positif bagi Universitas Indonesia.


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Pimpinan dan segenap sivitas akademika Program Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Indonesia mengucapkan selamat bertugas kepada Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah,
S.T., M.Eng., IPU. sebagai Rektor Universitas Indonesia periode 2024–2029.

Semoga dapat menjalankan amanah dengan baik dan membawa perubahan positif bagi Universitas Indonesia.


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Mahasiswa Administrasi Keuangan dan Perbankan kembali raih prestasi di ajang Internasional!!

Alya Putri Ramadanty, menuangkan inovasi tentang ketahanan pangan melalui Asia Youth International Model United Nations (AYIMUN) 15th. Inovasi yang diangkat adalah mempromosikan pertanian berkelanjutan sebagai strategi kunci dalam menghadapi dampak perubahan iklim. Berkat ide dan inovasinya, Alya berhasil meraih penghargaan Verbal Commendation.

Informasi selengkapnya dapat diakses di www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Ada prestasi lagi diraih oleh mahasiswa Administrasi Keuangan dan Perbankan, nih!

#KawanVoks tahu? Tiga mahasiswa Administrasi Keuangan dan Perbankan, yang terdiri dari Dhafa Arrahman Parijan, Naiko Puti Nandiati, dan Diki Putra Pamungkas, berhasil meraih juara pertama pada kompetisi credit officer pada ajang Accounting Student Competency Festival 2024 (ASCOMFEST 2024) yang diadakan oleh Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Semarang!

Informasi selengkapnya dapat diakses di www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


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Administrasi Perkantoran dengan bangga mempersembahkan OVAL 2024 ✨

OVAL 2024 hadir untuk membantumu mengeksplorasi dan mengembangkan potensi terbaikmu! acara ini tentunya  penuh inspirasi dan wawasan melalui:
🎓 Kuliah Umum
🎨 Workshops
💼 Coaching Clinic
🏆 Competitions
...dan masih banyak lagi kegiatan menarik lainnya!

Yuk, jangan lewatkan kesempatan emas untuk belajar, berkembang, dan bertemu para ahli di bidangnya. 🌟

Siapkan dirimu untuk menjadi versi terbaik dari dirimu! 💪✨

📅 Jumat, 29 November 2024
📍Auditorium Vokasi UI 
⏰ 08.00 - selesai
📲 Narahubung: Shafa Aulia Mitaya (085691032094) 



#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024

Dalam era globalisasi ini, topik mengenai green finance (investment) merupakan hal yang banyak dibicarakan oleh para civitas akademik. Namun, masih sedikit buku-buku referensi perkuliahan yang membahas mengenai topik ini. Sehingga, Program Studi Administrasi Keuangan dan Perbankan mempersembahkan Webinar berjudul:

"The Implementation of Green Finance (Investment) in Business Entities for Sustainable Future" 💸📊

Dengan pembicara Nur Firdaus, Researcher at BRIN & Global Ecological Economics at the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GSGES), Kyoto University, Japan.

🗓 Hari, tanggal: Jumat, 29 November 2024
⏰ Jam: 07.30 WIB - Selesai
📍 Lokasi: zoom meeting (link: https://ppvui.id/webinarbank)

🔗 Link Registrasi:

🚀 Benefit yang akan kamu dapatkan:
📜 E-sertifikat eksklusif
🎁 Hadiah yang menarik bagi yang beruntung!

Ayo segera bergabung dan ajak teman-temanmu! 🌟💯

✨ Jangan sampai ketinggalan kesempatan emas ini! Sampai bertemu di Webinar!


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Unggah ulang @univ_indonesia 


Halo, Sobat UI!

Ingin jadi bagian dari perjalanan prestasi dan menginspirasi di Universitas Indonesia?

Biro Humas dan KIP UI membuka pendaftaran untuk Duta UI 2025! Segera daftarkan dirimu dan mari tunjukkan semangatmu! Jangan lupa cek informasi lengkapnya di unggahan di atas dan follow @duta.ui ya.

Jadilah Duta UI dan beri kontribusi untuk almamater tercinta!

#UniversitasIndonesia #DutaUI #BanggaMenjadiUI


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Hi, #KawanVoks!

Yuk, simak informasi penting di atas!


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Halo, KawanVoks! 🥳🥳

Open House 2 hari lagi!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Penasaran dengan rundown acara Open House Kenali Vokasi UI 2024? 

Yuk, simak gambar di atas, yah!

➡️ KawanVoks masih bisa mendaftar Vokasi UI Open House di tautan https://ppvui.id/openhousevokasi2024

Acara akan dilaksanakan pada:
🗓️: Sabtu, 23 November 2024
⏰: 09:00-16.30
📍: Auditorium dan Gedung C, Vokasi UI

Jangan lupa join dan gali informasi tentang Vokasi UI sebanyak-banyaknya❤️❤️

Sampai bertemu hari Sabtu!

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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
✨ Vokasi UI Open House 2024: Kenali Lebih Dekat Vokasi UI ✨

Penasaran dengan berbagai peluang dan keunggulan dari Program Pendidikan Vokasi UI?🤔 Temukan jawaban kamu dalam Vokasi UI Open House 2024!🤩

📅 Sabtu, 23 November 2024
🕘 09.00 - 16.30 WIB
📍 Auditorium dan Gedung C, Kampus UI Depok

🎙 Special Talks bersama:
💡 Melisa Bunga Altamira, S.Sos., M.Si. (Kepala Humas dan Kerjasama Vokasi UI)
💡 Kresna Firdaus Wiranata, A.Md.MRA. (HR Archive Officer Agung Sedayu Group dan Alumni Manajemen Rekod dan Arsip 2019)
💡 Sonny Afriansyah, S.Si., M.M. (Direktur PT Generasi Paham Investasi (Ayovest))
💡 Cicilia Febriani Hayuningrum, S.Ft., M.Biomed. (Founder Ruang Tumbuh Kembang dan Dosen Praktisi Program Studi Fisioterapi)

✨ Dipandu oleh Indira Fatihah Utomo (Wakil 2 None Jakarta Utara 2024 dan Mahasiswa Program Studi Produksi Media)

🌟 Jangan lewatkan kesempatan kamu:
✔ Voxplore (Tour Campus)*
✔ Kunjungan ke booth program studi
*) Kuota terbatas

📢 Gratis dan terbuka untuk umum!
📌 Daftar sekarang di: https://ppvui.id/openhousevokasi2024

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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
#VokasiUI #OpenHouseVokasi2024 #KenaliVokasiUI #masukptn
Open House Vokasi UI 2024 – Coming Soon! 🚀📚

Hai calon triwarna muda! Yang ditunggu-tunggu akan hadir. Vokasi UI Open House akan kembali hadir, loh!

Catat ya!!!

📅 Sabtu, 23 November 2024
🕘 09.00 - 16.30 WIB
📍 Auditorium Vokasi UI, Kampus UI Depok

Penasaran dan nungguin info selanjutnya? 📲 Stay tuned untuk update lengkapnya di:
Instagram: @vokasi_ui
Tiktok: @vokasi_ui
X: @ProVokasi_UI

Jangan sampai ketinggalan!🙅‍♀️

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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
✨Greeting, Everyone!✨

The Vocational Education Program of Universitas Indonesia proudly presents The 1st symposium Vocational Education Applied Science and Technology on 14 November 2024. We are invites all academics and practitioners to join us!

🗓️ Dates : 
Thursday, 14 November 2024
📞 Link Zoom : 
Meeting ID: 935 6850 5533
Passcode: sveast1

For further information, please kindly contact us on
- 087819821499 (Yasmin)
- 0895324431188 (Tiara)


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024


1 week ago

Hi, KawanVoks! Siapa yang pengen lanjut kuliah di luar negeri setelah lulus dari Vokasi UI? Nah, Vo...

Antiplagiarisme pada Karya Audiovisual Mahasiswa Vokasi UI

Antiplagiarisme pada Karya Audiovisual Mahasiswa Vokasi UI

4 weeks ago

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Open House: Kenali Lebih Dekat, Magister Terapan (S2) Vokasi UI

Open House: Kenali Lebih Dekat, Magister Terapan (S2) Vokasi UI

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Vokasi Alumni

Vokasi UI was once their second home. What are they saying?

Photo News

Because pictures are worth a thousand words..

UI Vocational Provides Safe and Comfortable Pedestrian Facilities

Pedestrians have the right to access supporting facilities such as sidewalks, crosswalks, and other facilities. Pedestrians have the right to priority when crossing the road at intersections. If there is no crosswalk,...

UI Vocational Provides Rainwater Reservoirs in Campus Area

  The Universitas Indonesia (UI) Vocational Education Program provides rainwater storage in the area around the UI Vocational Literacy Park. This rainwater storage pond is designed to collect rainwater that is used for various...

Realizing a Green Campus, UI Vocational Has Flora Diversity in Various Lecture Areas

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia has planted various tree seedlings around the campus. The plants planted...

Increasing Conservation, Protection Efforts, and Being Proud of Cultural Heritage, UI Vocational Lecturers and Education Staff Wear Sasak Traditional Clothing

Wearing traditional clothing and respecting regional culture is very relevant to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) point 11.4, namely increasing efforts to preserve and protect the world's cultural and natural heritage....

Supporting Wastewater Treatment, UI Vocational Provides Sewage Treatment Plant

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia provides a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) located behind the VB building. The STP is used for processing liquid waste intended for domestic waste, namely feces and laundry...

Realizing a Green Campus, UI Vocational Has a Number of Fruit Plants in the Campus Area

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia has more than 17 types of plants and has produced fruit. Plants that can produce fruit include jackfruit, tomato fruit, water apple, breadfruit, mango. and...

Optimizing the Use of Energy-Saving Equipment in UI Vocational Environment

As an implementation of the policy of the Director's Decree Number: 75/SK/F14.DV/UI/2023 concerning Energy Conversion, the Vocational Education Program has owned and used energy-saving equipment by 83.81% in...

UI Vocational Provides Free Drinking Water for Academic Community

  The University of Indonesia Vocational Education Program provides free drinking water for academicians, namely lecturers, students, and education staff. In addition, free drinking water is also provided at various student...

Fauna Diversity in UI Vocational Environment Through Animal Conservation Activities

The UI Vocational Education Program is committed to preserving the environment through conservation activities, one of which is animal conservation through fish seed release activities in the campus environment. Fish seed...

UI Vocational Director Gives Award to First Senior Lecturer in Vocational Education Program Environment of Universitas Indonesia

Director of Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, presented a certificate of appreciation for the Achievement of Senior Lecturer to Dr. Budiman Mahmud Mustofa, S.Sos., M.Si., Head of the Department of Applied Social Humanities, as well as a...

UI Vocational Provides Facilities to Support Security and Comfort in Campus Area

The Vocational Education Program has provided security and safety facilities, such as surveillance monitors located in each building, CCTV that is...

To Improve Employees’ Emotional Well-Being, UI Vocational Director Gives Appreciation to Educational Personnel Who Will Retire

Retirement is one of the career journey cycles that every employee will go through. Retirement is an important moment for an employee. As a form of appreciation for dedication and contribution over the years of service, the...

UI Vocational Director Appreciates Study Programs and Work Units with the Best Rankings in Performance Contract Achievements Through Completion in the SAKTI Application

Entering the fourth quarter, the UI Vocational Education Program conducted an evaluation of the 2024 performance contract fulfillment activities for work units and study programs. The evaluation...

UI Vocational Routinely Conducts Facility Maintenance Throughout 2023-2024

The Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program continues to strive to maintain facilities, both to support lecture activities for lecturers and students, as well as other rooms for the entire...

Realizing an Inclusive Campus, UI Vocational Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia has provided public facilities that are designed in such a way that they can be accessed by people with disabilities. Thus, people with...

Free Drinking Water for UI Vocational Academic

  The Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program provides free drinking water for academicians, namely lecturers, students, and education staff. In addition, free drinking water is also provided at various student activities.

Natural Oil Products for Relaxation by UI Vocational Lecturer

Lecturer of Physiotherapy study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), Bintang Mukhammad Burhanudin Akbar, M.M., won UI Incubate 2023 for the natural oil product he developed. The product called Rosari - Essential Oil...

Supporting Smoke-Free Campuses, UI Vocational Encourages Smoking Ban Policy

In order to realize a healthy campus, through the Decree of the UI Rector No. 1/SK/R/2016 concerning the Implementation of Health, Safety, and the Environment, and the Decree of the Rector No. 1805/SK/R/2011 concerning Smoke-Free Areas,...

Striving for Renewable Energy, UI Vocational Launches Wind Power Plant

  The UI Vocational Education Program in September 2024 has launched renewable energy, namely the Wind Power Plant (PLTB) with a capacity of 4.4 Kwp (4 windmills). The PLTB is installed in the Green Open Space area, behind the Vocational...

UI Vocational Lecturers and Students Plant 2,500 Mangrove Seedlings in Pantai Bakti Village

In order to support the coastal and marine conservation program, students, the Student Executive Board (BEM), and lecturers of the Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program, have held a community service program entitled GERTAKAU...

UI Vocational Builds Rooftop Solar Panels to Support the Use of Environmentally Friendly Energy

The Vocational Education Program has used the Solar Power Plant on grid system, and added power by 10.8 Kwp in 2023. Thus, the installed solar panels will be 25.8 kWp on the roof of the UI Vocational Auditorium building in...

UI Vocational Encourages Academics to Use Emission-Free and Carbon-Free Vehicles

Based on the Decree of the Director of the Vocational Education Program Number 79/SK/F14.DV/UI/2023, the Vocational Education Program encourages students and employees to use emission-free and carbon-free vehicles. Through this...

UI Vocational Lecturer Wins UI Incubate 2023 for Healthy Sugar Products

Bintang Mukhammad Burhanudin Akbar, M.M., a lecturer in the Physiotherapy study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) developed Gula Rangrang - Highly Nutritious Fortified Coconut Sugar. Gula Rangrang is very...

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