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Vokasi at a glance

Learn how our transformative education and multidisciplinary research have nurtured effective global leaders, influenced people, and changed lives for the better.


Explore the Indonesian Media Landscape 2022

Explore the Indonesian Media Landscape 2022

Depok-The Public Relations study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a guest lecturer lecture with Suharjo Nugroho, S.Sos., CCM -often called Jojo-, Managing Director of IMOGEN Public Relations on Wednesday, February 23rd 2022. This guest lecturer lecture explained about the current state of ... Baca Selanjutnya
UI Vocational Wins 5 Awards at the 72nd Anniversary of the Universitas Indonesia

UI Vocational Wins 5 Awards at the 72nd Anniversary of the Universitas Indonesia

Depok-UI Vocational Education Program won five awards at the peak of the 72nd Anniversary of the Universitas Indonesia (UI) which was held online on February 22, 2022 with the theme “UI Serves for National Independence.” At this year's celebration, UI simultaneously launched a Satellite Clinic ... Baca Selanjutnya
UI Vocation Wellness Center to Serve Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy

UI Vocation Wellness Center to Serve Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy

Depok-The Vocational Education Program Universitas Indonesia (UI) has just inaugurated the Vocation Wellness Center (VWC), which is a health service center that focuses on physiotherapy and occupational therapy. This service is intended for UI residents and the general public. Health services provided at VWC include ... Baca Selanjutnya
The Katamataku UI Team Participates in the Kick Off Campaign to Eliminate Leprosy Stigma and Discrimination

The Katamataku UI Team Participates in the Kick Off Campaign to Eliminate Leprosy Stigma and Discrimination

Tangerang-On the commemoration of World Leprosy Day 2022, the Katamataku UI Team participated in the Kick Off Campaign to Eliminate Leprosy Stigma and Discrimination at RSUP Dr. Sitanala Tangerang. This activity is the initial series of activities to disseminate information and knowledge about leprosy to ... Baca Selanjutnya
UI Vocational Conducts Comparative Study to IBI Kesatuan Bogor's Investment Gallery of the Indonesia Stock Exchange

UI Vocational Conducts Comparative Study to IBI Kesatuan Bogor’s Investment Gallery of the Indonesia Stock Exchange

Depok-Finance and Banking Administration Study Program, Vocational Education Program of Universitas Indonesia (UI) visited the Investment Gallery of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (GI-BEI) Institut Bisnis dan Informatika (IBI) Kesatuan Bogor on 27 January 2022. This comparative study intended to provide a forum for students to ... Baca Selanjutnya
Inauguration of the Director, Deputy Directors, and Structural Officers of the UI Vocational Education Program for the 2022 - 2026 Period

Inauguration of the Director, Deputy Directors, and Structural Officers of the UI Vocational Education Program for the 2022 – 2026 Period

Depok-Universitas Indonesia has inauguraited the Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, Deputy Director for Education, Research, and Student Affairs, Deni Danial Kesa, S.Sos., M.B.A., Ph.D, and Deputy Director for Resources, Ventures, and General Administration, Priyanto, S.S., M.Hum., UI Vocational Education ... Baca Selanjutnya
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✨Greeting, Everyone!✨

The Vocational Education Program of Universitas Indonesia proudly presents The 1st symposium Vocational Education Applied Science and Technology on 14 November 2024. We are invites all academics and practitioners to join us!

🗓️ Dates : 
Thursday, 14 November 2024
📞 Link Zoom : 
Meeting ID: 935 6850 5533
Passcode: sveast1

For further information, please kindly contact us on
- 087819821499 (Yasmin)
- 0895324431188 (Tiara)


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✨VOCAST TALKS 2024: Seminar Series Multimedia Broadcasting Vokasi UI! 🎙️

Tertarik dengan dunia multimedia dan broadcasting? Jangan lewatkan VOCAST TALKS, seminar seru yang diselenggarakan oleh Prodi Penyiaran Multimedia Vokasi UI! ✨

💻 Daring: 11 & 13 November 2024 (Zoom) *terbuka untuk umum
🏢 Luring: 18, 19, 20 November 2024 (Gedung C, Vokasi UI) *untuk civitas Vokasi UI - sesuai ketersediaan tempat

Rangkaian acara ini akan mengupas beragam topik menarik bersama para narasumber kompeten di bidangnya. Catat tanggalnya dan jangan sampai ketinggalan, ya! 🚀


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Selamat Hari Pahlawan kepada para Pahlawan pejuang Indonesia!!!

Kami siap untuk melanjutkan perjuangan kalian di masa kini!


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Alumni Vokasi UI lanjut kuliah ke International Management Institute (IMI) Switzerland? Emang bisa?

Bisa, dong! Yuk, ikuti sosialisasi Credit Earning Program di IMI, Swiss yang akan dilaksanakan pada

📆 : Sabtu, 9 November 2024
⏰ : 10:00–selesai
🕹️ : Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 979 1126 2000 Passcode: 752430

Temukan banyak insight tentang CEP bersama Bapak Dedet Hidajat, Director of Business Development
IMI Indonesia Main Representative


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Heiqmadinar Azzahra Nugraha, mahasiswa Fisioterapi 2022 meraih penghargaan sebagai the best oral presenter melalui artikel berjudul “Raising Awareness of Physical Activity as An Antidepressant Mechanism to Build the Golden Generation 2040: A Literature Study” pada event internasional World Physiotherapy Asia Western Pacific Region Congress 2024 yang diadakan oleh Ikatan Fisioterapi Indonesia (IFI) dengan Co-host program studi (prodi) Fisioterapi, Program Pendidikan Vokasi UI. Vokasi UI menurunkan sebanyak 18 mahasiswa prodi Fisioterapi Vokasi UI berpartisipasi sebagai pemakalah, membawakan riset yang mereka lakukan bersama dosen.

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


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Program Pengabdian Masyarakat Fisioterapi Vokasi UI hadir di Kota Bogor dan Kabupaten Bogor untuk mendukung program pemerintah dalam mewujudkan Bogor sebagai kota Zero Stunting. Pengmas ini merupakan salah satu komitmen untuk mewujudkan salah satu poin Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), yaitu Good Health and Well Being.

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


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Belajar literasi keuangan di kalangan wirausaha gen z!

Digital Financial Center (DFC), Program Pendidikan Vokasi bersama dengan Center for Indonesia Policy Studies (CIPS) menyelenggarakan seminar “CIPS Learning Hub Goes to Campus”, di Kampus Vokasi UI. Kegiatan yang ditujukan untuk para wirausaha gen z dan mahasiswa secara luas ini, mengangkat topik yang bertajuk “Wirausaha Muda yang Bijak Finansial”.

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


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Selamat Hari Sumpah Pemuda, KawanVoks!

Semangat yang menggelora dan prestasi yang diraih dari KawanVoks akan melanjutkan semangat perjuangan para pahlawan. Tetap semangat melangkah ke depan dan berikan yang terbaik.


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🤩🤩Mahasiswa Vokasi UI juara kedua di ajang kompetisi Management Festival 2024🤩🤩

Futihat Nurul Karimah, mahasiswa program studi Hubungan Masyarakat beserta dua mahasiswa UI lainnya yang tergabung dalam tim Blackpink Pasming raih juara kedua di ajang kompetisi Management Festival 2024. Tim kemampuan dalam menyusun strategi pemasaran digital untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh UMKM.

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


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🧩 REGISTRATION & RSVP Work Solve 2024 🧩

Halo, Peeps! 🙌🏻

Work Solve 2024 atau “Workshop Self Development” merupakan program kerja yang berada dibawah supervisi Departemen Pengembangan Karier BEM Vokasi Universitas Indonesia.

📢 Rangkaian acara yang akan diadakan tahun ini mencakup :
* Workshop ⇾ Bedah CV
* Talkshow ⇾ Personal Branding
* Seminar ⇾ Career Planning

📆 D-Day :
* Tanggal : Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2024
* Waktu : 11.30 -17.00 WIB
* ⁠Venue : Auditorium Vokasi Universitas Indonesia

💡Benefits :
* Receive guidance on compiling a CV according to the regulations
* Build a consistent and authentic self-image
* Help to develop a long-term career plan
* Get Voucher Coffee Toffee Buy 1 Get 1 Free Beverages
* Get Free Snacks 

🔗 Link RSVP : https://bit.ly/RSVPWorkSolve2024


Input your CV and get the chance to have your CV review at Work Solve!🔎📄

☎️ Contact Person :
⤷ Adinda Revami Ananta/ Line: adndrvm
⤷ Kalyca Noor Andhaf Rochiyat/ Line: kailyca

📲 Reach Us : 
⤷ Instagram : @worksolve
⤷ Tiktok : @worksolve.ui

Work Solve 2024

Departemen Pengembangan Karier
BEM Vokasi UI 2024


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Selamat kepada Dr. Budiman Mahmud Musthofa, S.Sos., M.Si. atas pencapaian sebagai Lektor Kepala Program Pendidikan Vokasi UI di bidang Ilmu Pariwisata! 🥳🥳

Terus berkarya, berinovasi, dan memajukan pariwisata di Indonesia, pak! 


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
🎮 🎮 Gim "Yuk Pilah Sampah" siap diperkenalkan di Play Store! 🎮 🎮

Program studi Produksi Media kembali memperkenalkan inovasi terbaru dalam bentuk gim edukasi berjudul “Yuk Pilah Sampah" yang dirancang oleh tim dosen dan mahasiswa dari Promed Game Xperience Laboratory (OX-Laboratory).

Gim ini didesain khusus untuk mempromosikan Kampung Batik Cibuluh di Bogor yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya cinta lingkungan sekaligus memperkenalkan Kampung Batik Cibuluh sebagai destinasi wisata berkelanjutan.

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


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Calling All #YellowJackets 🔊🔊

Hi Guys! blu by BCA Digital buka pendaftaran bluAmbassador looh!

Ambil kesempatan emas untuk belajar menjadi brand ambassador blu di kampus-mu! 🤩

Disini kamu akan mendapatkan banyak benefit, salah satunya yaitu SKP, e-certificate yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk portofolio kamu, serta reward uang saku jutaan rupiah!

Yuk, manfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk menjadi Vokasi UI!

Untuk pendaftaran langsung klik link berikut yaa:

Dijamin akan banyak sekali ilmu dan pengelaman yang akan kalian dapatkan ✨
Tunggu apalagi, langsung daftarkan diri kamu sekarang!

Contact Person :
Alley - 0813-2856-8020 (whatsapp only)
Program studi Administrasi Keuangan dan Perbankan mengadakan program edukasi bertajuk “Celenganku, Masa Depanku.” Program ini mengajak 50 anak-anak Kampung Melati yang berusia 5 hingga 16 tahun untuk belajar menabung dengan cara yang kreatif dan interaktif.

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


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Antiplagiarisme pada Karya Audiovisual Mahasiswa Vokasi UI

4 days ago

Hi, #KawanVoks! #KawanVoks tahu ngga, sih? Vokasi UI sangat menekankan nilai kejujuran di lingkunga...

Open House: Kenali Lebih Dekat, Magister Terapan (S2) Vokasi UI

4 weeks ago

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2024, pk. 10.00 - 12.00wib Kata Pengantar: Deni Danial Kesa, MBA., Ph.D. (Wakil D...


1 month ago

Mahasiswa S2 Magister Terapan Industri Kreatif (MATRIK) Vokasi UI goes to INACRAFT!! Pada kunjungan...

Vokasi UI Terapkan Kurikulum Outcome Based Education (OBE) untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Lulusan

3 months ago

Pelatihan kurikulum Outcome Based Education (OBE) dilakukan bagi dosen guna pengembangan kurikulum d...

Vokasi Alumni

Vokasi UI was once their second home. What are they saying?

Photo News

Because pictures are worth a thousand words..

UI Vocational Provides Facilities to Support Security and Comfort in Campus Area

The Vocational Education Program has provided security and safety facilities, such as surveillance monitors located in each building, CCTV that is...

Fauna Diversity in UI Vocational Environment Through Animal Conservation Activities

The UI Vocational Education Program is committed to preserving the environment through conservation activities, one of which is animal conservation through fish seed release activities in the campus environment. Fish seed...

UI Vocational Director Gives Award to First Senior Lecturer in Vocational Education Program Environment of Universitas Indonesia

Director of Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, presented a certificate of appreciation for the Achievement of Senior Lecturer to Dr. Budiman Mahmud Mustofa, S.Sos., M.Si., Head of the Department of Applied Social Humanities, as well as a...

To Improve Employees’ Emotional Well-Being, UI Vocational Director Gives Appreciation to Educational Personnel Who Will Retire

Retirement is one of the career journey cycles that every employee will go through. Retirement is an important moment for an employee. As a form of appreciation for dedication and contribution over the years of service, the...

Free Drinking Water for UI Vocational Academic

  The Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program provides free drinking water for academicians, namely lecturers, students, and education staff. In addition, free drinking water is also provided at various student activities.

UI Vocational Builds Rooftop Solar Panels to Support the Use of Environmentally Friendly Energy

The Vocational Education Program has used the Solar Power Plant on grid system, and added power by 10.8 Kwp in 2023. Thus, the installed solar panels will be 25.8 kWp on the roof of the UI Vocational Auditorium building in...

Striving for Renewable Energy, UI Vocational Launches Wind Power Plant

  The UI Vocational Education Program in September 2024 has launched renewable energy, namely the Wind Power Plant (PLTB) with a capacity of 4.4 Kwp (4 windmills). The PLTB is installed in the Green Open Space area, behind the Vocational...

Supporting Wastewater Treatment, UI Vocational Provides Sewage Treatment Plant

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia provides a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) located behind the VB building. The STP is used for processing liquid waste intended for domestic waste, namely feces and laundry...

Realizing an Inclusive Campus, UI Vocational Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia has provided public facilities that are designed in such a way that they can be accessed by people with disabilities. Thus, people with...

UI Vocational Provides Water-Saving Equipment

In the UI Vocational Education Program environment, the implementation of water-saving equipment is an integral part of sustainable water conservation efforts. Various water-saving technologies, such as automatic sensor...

UI Vocational Lecturer Wins UI Incubate 2023 for Healthy Sugar Products

Bintang Mukhammad Burhanudin Akbar, M.M., a lecturer in the Physiotherapy study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) developed Gula Rangrang - Highly Nutritious Fortified Coconut Sugar. Gula Rangrang is very...

UI Vocational Lecturers and Students Plant 2,500 Mangrove Seedlings in Pantai Bakti Village

In order to support the coastal and marine conservation program, students, the Student Executive Board (BEM), and lecturers of the Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program, have held a community service program entitled GERTAKAU...

Realizing a Green Campus, UI Vocational Has Flora Diversity in Various Lecture Areas

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia has planted various tree seedlings around the campus. The plants planted...

UI Vocational Provides Safe and Comfortable Pedestrian Facilities

Pedestrians have the right to access supporting facilities such as sidewalks, crosswalks, and other facilities. Pedestrians have the right to priority when crossing the road at intersections. If there is no crosswalk,...

Increasing Conservation, Protection Efforts, and Being Proud of Cultural Heritage, UI Vocational Lecturers and Education Staff Wear Sasak Traditional Clothing

Wearing traditional clothing and respecting regional culture is very relevant to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) point 11.4, namely increasing efforts to preserve and protect the world's cultural and natural heritage....

UI Vocational Provides Rainwater Reservoirs in Campus Area

  The Universitas Indonesia (UI) Vocational Education Program provides rainwater storage in the area around the UI Vocational Literacy Park. This rainwater storage pond is designed to collect rainwater that is used for various...

Natural Oil Products for Relaxation by UI Vocational Lecturer

Lecturer of Physiotherapy study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), Bintang Mukhammad Burhanudin Akbar, M.M., won UI Incubate 2023 for the natural oil product he developed. The product called Rosari - Essential Oil...

UI Vocational Provides Free Drinking Water for Academic Community

  The University of Indonesia Vocational Education Program provides free drinking water for academicians, namely lecturers, students, and education staff. In addition, free drinking water is also provided at various student...

To Improve Mental Health of Lecturers and Education Personnel, UI Vocational Holds Capacity Building Activities in Lombok

  Mental health is a condition in which an individual has good psychological and emotional well-being, including patterns of thinking, acting, and how to deal with stress. No less...

Supporting Smoke-Free Campuses, UI Vocational Encourages Smoking Ban Policy

In order to realize a healthy campus, through the Decree of the UI Rector No. 1/SK/R/2016 concerning the Implementation of Health, Safety, and the Environment, and the Decree of the Rector No. 1805/SK/R/2011 concerning Smoke-Free Areas,...

UI Vocational Encourages Academics to Use Emission-Free and Carbon-Free Vehicles

Based on the Decree of the Director of the Vocational Education Program Number 79/SK/F14.DV/UI/2023, the Vocational Education Program encourages students and employees to use emission-free and carbon-free vehicles. Through this...

Realizing a Green Campus, UI Vocational Has a Number of Fruit Plants in the Campus Area

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia has more than 17 types of plants and has produced fruit. Plants that can produce fruit include jackfruit, tomato fruit, water apple, breadfruit, mango. and...

UI Vocational Director Appreciates Study Programs and Work Units with the Best Rankings in Performance Contract Achievements Through Completion in the SAKTI Application

Entering the fourth quarter, the UI Vocational Education Program conducted an evaluation of the 2024 performance contract fulfillment activities for work units and study programs. The evaluation...

Optimizing the Use of Energy-Saving Equipment in UI Vocational Environment

As an implementation of the policy of the Director's Decree Number: 75/SK/F14.DV/UI/2023 concerning Energy Conversion, the Vocational Education Program has owned and used energy-saving equipment by 83.81% in...

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