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4 months ago

Hi, KawanVoks! Siapa yang pengen lanjut kuliah di luar negeri setelah lulus dari Vokasi UI? Nah, Vo...

Antiplagiarisme pada Karya Audiovisual Mahasiswa Vokasi UI

Antiplagiarisme pada Karya Audiovisual Mahasiswa Vokasi UI

4 months ago

Hi, #KawanVoks! #KawanVoks tahu ngga, sih? Vokasi UI sangat menekankan nilai kejujuran di lingkunga...

Open House: Kenali Lebih Dekat, Magister Terapan (S2) Vokasi UI

Open House: Kenali Lebih Dekat, Magister Terapan (S2) Vokasi UI

5 months ago

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2024, pk. 10.00 - 12.00wib Kata Pengantar: Deni Danial Kesa, MBA., Ph.D. (Wakil D...



6 months ago

Mahasiswa S2 Magister Terapan Industri Kreatif (MATRIK) Vokasi UI goes to INACRAFT!! Pada kunjungan...

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Learn how our transformative education and multidisciplinary research have developed effective global leaders, influenced communities, and changed lives for the better.


Showcasing SDGs-Based Innovation, UI Students Achieve Brilliant Achievements at International Youth Excursion (IYEN)

Showcasing SDGs-Based Innovation, UI Students Achieve Brilliant Achievements at International Youth Excursion (IYEN)

Depok-Students of the Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), have successfully made achievements at the International Youth Excursion (IYEN) event. UI delegates, Muhamad Ibrahim from the Office Administration study program won first place in the Best Project Innovation category, and Utsula Rasya Ghassani Rachman from ... Baca selanjutnya

UI Students Won 1st Place in National PR Competition Thanks to Data-Based Gulara Mascot Innovation

UI Students Won 1st Place in National PR Competition Thanks to Data-Based Gulara Mascot Innovation

Depok-Students of the Universitas Indonesia (UI) who are members of the Spill the Tree Team from the Public Relations study program, Vocational Education Program, won first place in the “Bandung Public Relations Convergence: Strategy Marketing Communication National Competition”, which took place at the Postgraduate Building, ... Baca selanjutnya

UI Students Won National Award for African-Indonesian Fusion Documentary

UI Students Won National Award for African-Indonesian Fusion Documentary

Depok-Students of the Media Production study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), have successfully created a documentary film entitled African Roots: The Hearts of Little Black Sheep and passed the Alumni UI Movie Award Competition (IMAC Film Festival 2025), and has been screened at ... Baca selanjutnya

The Impact of Minister of Finance Regulation 81/2024 on Taxation

The Impact of Minister of Finance Regulation 81/2024 on Taxation

Depok-The Tax Administration study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), held a guest lecture entitled "Unboxing PMK No. 81 of 2024" and presented Daniel Bellianto, a tax consultant at Ortax who is also an alumnus of the Tax Administration study program, as a resource ... Baca selanjutnya

Government Public Relations and Its Role in the Current Era

Government Public Relations and Its Role in the Current Era

Depok-Government public relations (PR) is a means of communication and interaction between citizens and the government. Government PR is also tasked with informing the public about government policies, steps, and actions. In addition, government PR also monitors public opinion on government policies and provides feedback ... Baca selanjutnya

UI Vocational Students Learn Proper Event Planning and Management

UI Vocational Students Learn Proper Event Planning and Management

Depok-Event planning and management is an important aspect in the world of public relations. An event is often a means to build relationships with the public, improve a brand's image, or achieve certain communication goals. In order to improve these competencies, the Public Relations study ... Baca selanjutnya

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Volunteering in NTT, UI Vocational Students Focus on the Welfare of the Nuca Molas Village Community

Volunteering in NTT, UI Vocational Students Focus on the Welfare of the Nuca Molas Village Community

Depok-Besides studying in class, students have an important role in building a better society. One way to do this is by volunteering like Sirhan Muhammad Dehya Alqolbi, a student of the Public Relations study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI). Through the Indonesia Project ... Baca Selanjutnya
Meet SPICE, a Mini Studio of Human Computer Interaction & Creative Technology by UI Vocational Students

Meet SPICE, a Mini Studio of Human Computer Interaction & Creative Technology by UI Vocational Students

Depok-Human Computer Interaction & Creative Technology (HCI-CT) is a discipline that studies the interaction between humans and computer technology, including the design, evaluation, and implementation of user interfaces. In today's rapidly developing digital era, HCI-CT plays a crucial role in ensuring that technology can be ... Baca Selanjutnya
Generation Alpha's Vision to Build the City of the Future Through Gamification

Generation Alpha’s Vision to Build the City of the Future Through Gamification

Depok-Today, many cities in the world face major challenges in creating an inclusive and friendly environment for all. Air pollution is getting worse, green spaces are shrinking, and traffic jams are becoming a routine that erodes the quality of life of the community. Amidst all ... Baca Selanjutnya
The Only Student from Indonesia, UI Student Participates in Youth Capacity APEC in Taiwan

The Only Student from Indonesia, UI Student Participates in Youth Capacity APEC in Taiwan

Depok-Fransiskus Antonius Mahendra Harimurti, a student of the Multimedia Broadcasting study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), was the only student from Indonesia at the Youth Capacity and Building Training Model APEC activity in early July (July 3-6, 2024) which took place in Taiwan ... Baca Selanjutnya
Low Financial Literacy is One of the Triggers for the Rise of Online Gambling

Low Financial Literacy is One of the Triggers for the Rise of Online Gambling

Depok-Online gambling that has recently been widely reported in the media, inspired Vindaniar Yuristamanda Putri, S.I.A., M.M., a lecturer in the Financial Administration and Banking study program, Vocational Education Program, University of Indonesia (UI) to educate the public according to Vindaniar's scientific background. Moreover, Drone ... Baca Selanjutnya
UI Vocational Students Share Their Experiences of Studying at Lancaster University, England

UI Vocational Students Share Their Experiences of Studying at Lancaster University, England

Depok-Laily Nazwa Muslim, student of the Public Relations study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), has just completed her studies at Lancaster University, England, through the 2023 Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) program organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology ... Baca Selanjutnya
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UI Vocational Director Appreciates Study Programs and Work Units with the Best Rankings in Performance Contract Achievements Through Completion in the SAKTI Application

Entering the fourth quarter, the UI Vocational Education Program conducted an evaluation of the 2024 performance contract fulfillment activities for work units and study programs. The evaluation...

Realizing a Green Campus, UI Vocational Has Flora Diversity in Various Lecture Areas

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia has planted various tree seedlings around the campus. The plants planted...

Natural Oil Products for Relaxation by UI Vocational Lecturer

Lecturer of Physiotherapy study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), Bintang Mukhammad Burhanudin Akbar, M.M., won UI Incubate 2023 for the natural oil product he developed. The product called Rosari - Essential Oil...

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