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Vokasi at a glance

Learn how our transformative education and multidisciplinary research have nurtured effective global leaders, influenced people, and changed lives for the better.


UI Rector Prof. Heri Hermansyah Guarantees Students Can Attend Lectures Without Financial Constraints

UI Rector Prof. Heri Hermansyah Guarantees Students Can Attend Lectures Without Financial Constraints

Depok-Rector of the Universitas Indonesia (UI) Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU., guarantees that every student accepted by UI, especially in the regular program, will not experience obstacles in pursuing education due to financial problems. He said that the determination of the Single ... Baca Selanjutnya
UI Students Won at Perhumas Indonesia PR Deck Thanks to Subak Tradition Preservation Campaign

UI Students Won at Perhumas Indonesia PR Deck Thanks to Subak Tradition Preservation Campaign

Depok-"Growing with modernization, returning to the roots of tradition" is the campaign tagline that brought three students of the Public Relations study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), to win second place in the national competition of the Indonesian Youth Awards in the PR ... Baca Selanjutnya
Monthly Film Festival Present at UI Vocational, Bringing Local Short Films to Life in a Time of “Critical Becomes Important”

Monthly Film Festival Present at UI Vocational, Bringing Local Short Films to Life in a Time of “Critical Becomes Important”

Depok-The development of the local film industry in Indonesia is increasingly increasing. Based on data from the Indonesian Film Board (BPI), in 2024 there will be around 150 local film productions with a total audience of 60 million people. However, there are still a number ... Baca Selanjutnya
Learn Global Diplomacy: Media Production Students' Experience Visiting the United Nations Information Center in Indonesia

Learn Global Diplomacy: Media Production Students’ Experience Visiting the United Nations Information Center in Indonesia

Depok-A number of students from the Media Production study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) class of 2024, conducted a study visit to the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) in Indonesia some time ago. Located in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta, students from the ... Baca Selanjutnya
WIRE: The First Music Record Label from UI Vocational Media Production Study Program

WIRE: The First Music Record Label from UI Vocational Media Production Study Program

Depok-The existence of young musicians on campus can be one of the movements that change the ecosystem in the music industry in Indonesia, even the world. All of these ecosystem changes are not impossible for the Golden Generation of 2045. The Media Production study program, ... Baca Selanjutnya
South Korean Visual Studio Dart Practitioners Visit UI Vocational Media Production Lab, Discuss Collaboration and Internship Opportunities for Students

South Korean Visual Studio Dart Practitioners Visit UI Vocational Media Production Lab, Discuss Collaboration and Internship Opportunities for Students

Depok-The Media Production study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), received a visit from Studio Visual Dart, a well-known game studio from South Korea. The visit, which was received on October 24, 2024, discussed the potential for collaboration between Visual Dart and UI Vocational, ... Baca Selanjutnya
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The Only Student from Indonesia, UI Student Participates in Youth Capacity APEC in Taiwan

The Only Student from Indonesia, UI Student Participates in Youth Capacity APEC in Taiwan

Depok-Fransiskus Antonius Mahendra Harimurti, a student of the Multimedia Broadcasting study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), was the only student from Indonesia at the Youth Capacity and Building Training Model APEC activity in early July (July 3-6, 2024) which took place in Taiwan ... Baca Selanjutnya
Low Financial Literacy is One of the Triggers for the Rise of Online Gambling

Low Financial Literacy is One of the Triggers for the Rise of Online Gambling

Depok-Online gambling that has recently been widely reported in the media, inspired Vindaniar Yuristamanda Putri, S.I.A., M.M., a lecturer in the Financial Administration and Banking study program, Vocational Education Program, University of Indonesia (UI) to educate the public according to Vindaniar's scientific background. Moreover, Drone ... Baca Selanjutnya
UI Vocational Students Share Their Experiences of Studying at Lancaster University, England

UI Vocational Students Share Their Experiences of Studying at Lancaster University, England

Depok-Laily Nazwa Muslim, student of the Public Relations study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), has just completed her studies at Lancaster University, England, through the 2023 Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) program organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology ... Baca Selanjutnya
UI Vocational Lecturer Reveals the Process of Making Quality Horror Films

UI Vocational Lecturer Reveals the Process of Making Quality Horror Films

Depok-The Indonesian film industry is increasingly writhing through a commendable increase in quality. This is evident from several Indonesian films that have been shown abroad, such as Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts (2017), Satan's Slaves (2017), Jakarta vs Everybody (2020), Photocopier (2021), and many ... Baca Selanjutnya
Strategy to Increase Indonesian Tourism at the Global Level

Strategy to Increase Indonesian Tourism at the Global Level

Depok-"Based on VN Express International data for 2023, Indonesian tourism is in fifth position, after Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam, with a total of 11.7 million foreign tourists. Vietnam is currently a threat to Indonesian tourism because of the many new destinations that have gone ... Baca Selanjutnya
Optimizing Opportunities to Study Abroad, UI Vocational Students Create Robot Illustration Artworks

Optimizing Opportunities to Study Abroad, UI Vocational Students Create Robot Illustration Artworks

Depok-AI-RO, a work of art that illustrates a robot as an artificial intelligence that seems to scan human faces, is a work created by Grace Victoria Brahmana, a student in the Creative Business study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia. This work is the final ... Baca Selanjutnya
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🥳🥳🥳 Selamat atas pencapaian Lektor Kepala Vokasi UI!! 🥳🥳🥳

Deni Danial Kesa, MBA., Ph.D

Terus berkarya, berinovasi, dan memajukan Indonesia di Bidang Manajemen Pemasaran!


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🥳🥳🥳 Selamat atas pencapaian Lektor Kepala Vokasi UI!! 🥳🥳🥳

Dr. Devie Rahmawati, S.Sos., M.Hum

Terus berkarya, berinovasi, dan memajukan Indonesia di bidang media dan komunikasi!


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
🥳🥳🥳 Selamat atas pencapaian Lektor Kepala Vokasi UI!! 🥳🥳🥳

Dr. Diaz Pranita, S.T.Par., M.M.

Terus berkarya, berinovasi, dan memajukan Indonesia di Bidang Manajemen!


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🥳🥳🥳 Selamat atas pencapaian Lektor Kepala Vokasi UI!! 🥳🥳🥳

Debrina Vita Ferezagia, S.Si., M.Si.

Terus berkarya, berinovasi, dan memajukan Indonesia di Bidang Data Science Terapan


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🥳🥳🥳 Selamat atas pencapaian Lektor Kepala Vokasi UI!! 🥳🥳🥳

Supriadi, S.K.M., M.A.R.S.

Terus berkarya, berinovasi, dan memajukan Indonesia di Bidang Administrasi Rumah Sakit!


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PPN naik 12% per 1 Januari 2025??😱😱😱😱😱😱


Yuk, kita bahas terkait kenaikan PPN pada negara lain, pada jurnal ilmiah internasional, untuk melihat peluang insight lainnya.

Sobat ngotax dapat join dan menyimak talkshow yang akan diadakan oleh Klinik Pajak Universitas Indonesia.

📅 Tanggal : Selasa, 17 Desember 2024
⏲ Waktu : 14.00 WIB
💵 Biaya : Free
➡ Registrasi : https://s.id/ngotax01


Ramai bahasan kenaikan PPN menjadi 12 % per 1 Januari 2025. Hal ini telah tertuang sebelumnya pada pasal 7 UU 7 tahun 2021. Namun, banyak opini pada berita online antara lain ini akan memberatkan, menurunkan daya beli, dan lainnya. Disisi lain, ada wacana pemerintah mengenakan pada barang mewah tertentu 12 % sedangkan lainnya tetap.

Penting bagi pelaku bisnis UMKM memahami ini, seberapa akan berdampak pada bisnis berjalan. Memasuki tahun baru 2025, pelaku bisnis sedang membuat bisnis plan, seberapa krutial dan apa saja yang menjadi pertimbangan, atas rencana kenaikan tarif PPN ini mempengaruh pelaku UMKM.


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024

Padatnya aktivitas jangan sampai membuat kita lupa untuk menjaga kesehatan. Untuk itu, Program Studi Fisioterapi menghadirkan 

(Sepanjang Hayat Bergerak Bersama Fisioterapi)! 🤩💪


Nikmati berbagai kegiatan menarik:
✅ Cek kesehatan GRATIS
✅ Edukasi Kesehatan: Raih Produktivitas, dengan Tubuh Sehat
✅ Konsultasi langsung dengan ahli
✅ Hiburan musik dan video seru yang bikin happy
✅ Doorprize

📅 Tanggal: Kamis, 12 Desember 2024 
⏰ Jam: 08.00 - selesai 
📍 Tempat: Auditorium Vokasi

Semuanya GRATIS loh 😊 Tunggu apalagi, yuk kita raih produktivitas dengan tubuh sehat! 💪✨ 

Sampai jumpa di Auditorium👋

#FestivalSehatBestari #MahasiswaSehat


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Futihat Nurul Karimah, Hurin Nazhifah Mumtaz, dan Quinta Ayu Maharani, mahasiswa Hubungan Masyarakat yang tergabung dalam tim Spread Love berhasil meraih posisi kedua dalam lomba nasional Pemuda Indonesia Awards kategori PR Deck yang diadakan oleh Perhimpunan Hubungan Masyarakat (Perhumas) Indonesia.

Berkat tagline “Tumbuh bersama modernisasi, kembali ke akar tradisi”, tim Spread Love menginginkan agar generasi muda sadar akan melestarikan nilai tradisi, khususnya subak di Desa Jatiluwih, Bali.

Informasi selengkapnya: www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Tanamkan integritas dengan berantas tindakan korupsi! Yuk, bersama-sama kita bangun Indonesia menjadi negara bebas dari korupsi!


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024

Siap - siap ⏰untuk dapet banyak experience tentang media lewat pesta media terbesar di UI, dengan beberapa activity yang pastinya sayang kalo di lewatin🤩‼️
💥 Talkshow with Chandra Liow & Andovi Da Lopez
💥 Media Interactive Exhibition 
💥 Music Performance 
💥 Mini Workshop with Voice of America (VOA)

🗓️ Sabtu, 7 Desember 2024
⏰ 09.00 - 18.00
📍 Auditorium Vokasi UI


Catat tanggal nya dan menangin doorprizenya🎟️🔥

Follow @mediaexperience.ui untuk informasi lebih lanjut


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Unggah ulang @univ_indonesia

Selamat datang Calon Mahasiswa UI Program Pascasarjana Semester Genap Tahun 2024.

Keberhasilan ini adalah buah dari perjuangan, pengorbanan, dan doa yang telah dilakukan dengan sepenuh hati. Selamat bergabung dalam keluarga besar Kampus Perjuangan, Universitas Indonesia.

Simak tata cara registrasi ulang pada unggahan ini dengan saksama. Dan sampai bertemu di Universitas Indonesia!✨

#UniversitasIndonesia #SIMAKUI #Pascasarjana
Pimpinan dan segenap sivitas akademika Program Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Indonesia mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D atas dedikasi dan kerja keras sebagai Rektor Universitas Indonesia periode 2019–2024. Semoga setiap dedikasi yang telah diberikan dapat berdampak positif bagi Universitas Indonesia.


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Pimpinan dan segenap sivitas akademika Program Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Indonesia mengucapkan selamat bertugas kepada Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah,
S.T., M.Eng., IPU. sebagai Rektor Universitas Indonesia periode 2024–2029.

Semoga dapat menjalankan amanah dengan baik dan membawa perubahan positif bagi Universitas Indonesia.


#vokasiunggul #vokasiuiunggul #vokasihebat
#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024
Mahasiswa Administrasi Keuangan dan Perbankan kembali raih prestasi di ajang Internasional!!

Alya Putri Ramadanty, menuangkan inovasi tentang ketahanan pangan melalui Asia Youth International Model United Nations (AYIMUN) 15th. Inovasi yang diangkat adalah mempromosikan pertanian berkelanjutan sebagai strategi kunci dalam menghadapi dampak perubahan iklim. Berkat ide dan inovasinya, Alya berhasil meraih penghargaan Verbal Commendation.

Informasi selengkapnya dapat diakses di www.vokasi.ui.ac.id


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#vokasiuihebat #vokasiui2024


3 weeks ago

Hi, KawanVoks! Siapa yang pengen lanjut kuliah di luar negeri setelah lulus dari Vokasi UI? Nah, Vo...

Antiplagiarisme pada Karya Audiovisual Mahasiswa Vokasi UI

Antiplagiarisme pada Karya Audiovisual Mahasiswa Vokasi UI

1 month ago

Hi, #KawanVoks! #KawanVoks tahu ngga, sih? Vokasi UI sangat menekankan nilai kejujuran di lingkunga...

Open House: Kenali Lebih Dekat, Magister Terapan (S2) Vokasi UI

Open House: Kenali Lebih Dekat, Magister Terapan (S2) Vokasi UI

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Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2024, pk. 10.00 - 12.00wib Kata Pengantar: Deni Danial Kesa, MBA., Ph.D. (Wakil D...



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Photo News

Because pictures are worth a thousand words..

Realizing a Green Campus, UI Vocational Has a Number of Fruit Plants in the Campus Area

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia has more than 17 types of plants and has produced fruit. Plants that can produce fruit include jackfruit, tomato fruit, water apple, breadfruit, mango. and...

UI Vocational Provides Rainwater Reservoirs in Campus Area

  The Universitas Indonesia (UI) Vocational Education Program provides rainwater storage in the area around the UI Vocational Literacy Park. This rainwater storage pond is designed to collect rainwater that is used for various...

To Improve Employees’ Emotional Well-Being, UI Vocational Director Gives Appreciation to Educational Personnel Who Will Retire

Retirement is one of the career journey cycles that every employee will go through. Retirement is an important moment for an employee. As a form of appreciation for dedication and contribution over the years of service, the...

UI Vocational Lecturer Wins UI Incubate 2023 for Healthy Sugar Products

Bintang Mukhammad Burhanudin Akbar, M.M., a lecturer in the Physiotherapy study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) developed Gula Rangrang - Highly Nutritious Fortified Coconut Sugar. Gula Rangrang is very...

Free Drinking Water for UI Vocational Academic

  The Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program provides free drinking water for academicians, namely lecturers, students, and education staff. In addition, free drinking water is also provided at various student activities.

Increasing Conservation, Protection Efforts, and Being Proud of Cultural Heritage, UI Vocational Lecturers and Education Staff Wear Sasak Traditional Clothing

Wearing traditional clothing and respecting regional culture is very relevant to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) point 11.4, namely increasing efforts to preserve and protect the world's cultural and natural heritage....

UI Vocational Provides Water-Saving Equipment

In the UI Vocational Education Program environment, the implementation of water-saving equipment is an integral part of sustainable water conservation efforts. Various water-saving technologies, such as automatic sensor...

Striving for Renewable Energy, UI Vocational Launches Wind Power Plant

  The UI Vocational Education Program in September 2024 has launched renewable energy, namely the Wind Power Plant (PLTB) with a capacity of 4.4 Kwp (4 windmills). The PLTB is installed in the Green Open Space area, behind the Vocational...

Supporting Wastewater Treatment, UI Vocational Provides Sewage Treatment Plant

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia provides a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) located behind the VB building. The STP is used for processing liquid waste intended for domestic waste, namely feces and laundry...

Optimizing the Use of Energy-Saving Equipment in UI Vocational Environment

As an implementation of the policy of the Director's Decree Number: 75/SK/F14.DV/UI/2023 concerning Energy Conversion, the Vocational Education Program has owned and used energy-saving equipment by 83.81% in...

UI Vocational Director Appreciates Study Programs and Work Units with the Best Rankings in Performance Contract Achievements Through Completion in the SAKTI Application

Entering the fourth quarter, the UI Vocational Education Program conducted an evaluation of the 2024 performance contract fulfillment activities for work units and study programs. The evaluation...

Realizing a Green Campus, UI Vocational Has Flora Diversity in Various Lecture Areas

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia has planted various tree seedlings around the campus. The plants planted...

Fauna Diversity in UI Vocational Environment Through Animal Conservation Activities

The UI Vocational Education Program is committed to preserving the environment through conservation activities, one of which is animal conservation through fish seed release activities in the campus environment. Fish seed...

UI Vocational Routinely Conducts Facility Maintenance Throughout 2023-2024

The Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program continues to strive to maintain facilities, both to support lecture activities for lecturers and students, as well as other rooms for the entire...

UI Vocational Provides Facilities to Support Security and Comfort in Campus Area

The Vocational Education Program has provided security and safety facilities, such as surveillance monitors located in each building, CCTV that is...

Realizing an Inclusive Campus, UI Vocational Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities

The Vocational Education Program of the Universitas Indonesia has provided public facilities that are designed in such a way that they can be accessed by people with disabilities. Thus, people with...

UI Vocational Lecturers and Students Plant 2,500 Mangrove Seedlings in Pantai Bakti Village

In order to support the coastal and marine conservation program, students, the Student Executive Board (BEM), and lecturers of the Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program, have held a community service program entitled GERTAKAU...

Supporting Smoke-Free Campuses, UI Vocational Encourages Smoking Ban Policy

In order to realize a healthy campus, through the Decree of the UI Rector No. 1/SK/R/2016 concerning the Implementation of Health, Safety, and the Environment, and the Decree of the Rector No. 1805/SK/R/2011 concerning Smoke-Free Areas,...

UI Vocational Encourages Academics to Use Emission-Free and Carbon-Free Vehicles

Based on the Decree of the Director of the Vocational Education Program Number 79/SK/F14.DV/UI/2023, the Vocational Education Program encourages students and employees to use emission-free and carbon-free vehicles. Through this...

UI Vocational Provides Safe and Comfortable Pedestrian Facilities

Pedestrians have the right to access supporting facilities such as sidewalks, crosswalks, and other facilities. Pedestrians have the right to priority when crossing the road at intersections. If there is no crosswalk,...

To Improve Mental Health of Lecturers and Education Personnel, UI Vocational Holds Capacity Building Activities in Lombok

  Mental health is a condition in which an individual has good psychological and emotional well-being, including patterns of thinking, acting, and how to deal with stress. No less...

UI Vocational Builds Rooftop Solar Panels to Support the Use of Environmentally Friendly Energy

The Vocational Education Program has used the Solar Power Plant on grid system, and added power by 10.8 Kwp in 2023. Thus, the installed solar panels will be 25.8 kWp on the roof of the UI Vocational Auditorium building in...

UI Vocational Provides Free Drinking Water for Academic Community

  The University of Indonesia Vocational Education Program provides free drinking water for academicians, namely lecturers, students, and education staff. In addition, free drinking water is also provided at various student...

UI Vocational Director Gives Award to First Senior Lecturer in Vocational Education Program Environment of Universitas Indonesia

Director of Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, presented a certificate of appreciation for the Achievement of Senior Lecturer to Dr. Budiman Mahmud Mustofa, S.Sos., M.Si., Head of the Department of Applied Social Humanities, as well as a...

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