Depok, July 13, 2017

The implementation of the 2017 National Student Selection (Pilmapres) starting on July 10 – July 13, 2017 at the Swiss-bellinn Hotel Tunjungan, Surabaya.

Selection of Student Achievement is the award to students who have successfully achieved the best achievement, which is held by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher education every year as an effort to award the highest achievement of students and also reflect the quality of student coaching in college.

The general requirements to follow Pilmapres: a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia, Registered in PD-Dikti and active as a student of Diploma program maximum of semester VI and at the time of Pilmapres at national level not yet passed pass which proved by letter of statement from Higher Education Leader that is still Status of student and not yet graduated, Participant is not more than 22 years old on 1 January 2017 proved by Identity Card (KTP), Grade Point Average (IP all over the course) at least 3.00, Letter of Introduction from college leaders student Affairs (Vice-Chancellor / Chairman / Director) stating that the student is the winner of the first proposed outcome college selection is concerned, when the first winner was unable to be replaced the next winner, has not been a finalist Pilmapres national level in previous years .

In addition there are also special requirements that must be met by participants Pilmapres, which will be judged by the jury in accordance with the achievements of candidates Mapres, namely: Recapitulation Index Achievements per semester, written papers written in standard Indonesian. A summary of the papers (not abstract) written in English, oral oral presentations in English shall be maximum of 5 (five) minutes related to scientific papers, and shall convey a maximum of 10 (ten) outstanding achievements / accomplishments, supplemented with supporting documents as evidence.

The purpose of the Pilmapres

Interest electoral Student Achievement is awarded to students who achieve high achievement in curricular activities, curricular and extracurricular, provide motivation for students to implement curricular activities, curricular, and extracurricular as a vehicle for synergizing the hard skills and soft skills of students, and to encourage universities to Developing an academic culture that can facilitate students achieving sustainable achievements on an ongoing basis.

Students with national achievement will receive Award Charter and other awards from the Directorate of Student Affairs, Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Research of Technology and Higher Education. In addition to the award, selected Mapres also got priority to be facilitated in various student programs such as scholarships, seminars abroad and similar.

List of Elective Student Selection Participants

A. Degree program

The undergraduate program consists of 17 (seventeen) participants are: AA Sagung Mirah Prabandari from Udayana University, Ahmad Fajri of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Andra Fakhrian of Sultan Agung Islamic University, Ferry Fitriya Ayu Andika from the University of Jember, Gianina Dinda Pamungkas from Diponegoro University Iin Fadhilah Utami Tammasse from Hasanuddin University, Ilhamsyah Maulana of the University of Indonesia, Imamatul Khair from Airlangga University, Kurniaji Wahid Solihin of Dian Nuswantoro University, Laila Syifa Rahmi of Malikussaleh University, Moh Indra Duke of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Muhammad al-Kahf of the Institute Technology Bandung, Muhammad Murtadha Ramadhan from Bogor Agricultural University

B. Diploma Program

Diploma program consists of 9 (nine) participants are: M Wildan FS from Bogor Agricultural University, M. Syaifuddin Zuhri of the Institute of Technology, M. Irfan Mas’udi from Surabaya State Electronic Polytechnic, Muhammad Jamalludin from Semarang State Polytechnic, Muhammad Saiful Islam of the Polytechnic of Bandung, Ni Komang Alit Ary Sumartini of Bali State Polytechnic, Pralampita Kori Mufidah from Gadjah Mada University, Satrio Maulana Tsubasa of Manufacturing Polytechnic Bandung, Tubagus Akbar Ikhwandi from the University of Indonesia.

Implementation of Activities

The results of the winners will be announced on July 12, 2017. The activities will include: provision of insight, motivation and / or ice breaking, personality / psychological assessment, scientific work presentation, foreign language proficiency assessment, and superior skills assessment (Ko-Ekstrakurikuler ).


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