Conserve and sustainably use of resources below water for sustainable development

14.2 Supporting aquatic ecosystems through education
14.2.2 | Sustainable fisheries (community outreach) Offer educational programme or outreach for local or national communities on sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism |
Free | Evidence 1 | Evidence 2 |
14.3 Supporting aquatic ecosystems through action
14.3.3 | Maintain ecosystems and their biodiversity (direct work) Work directly (research and/or engagement with industries) to maintain and extend existing ecosystems and their biodiversity, of both plants and animals, especially ecosystems under threat |
Evidence 1 |
14.4 Water sensitive waste disposal
14.4.1 | Water discharge guidelines and standards Have water quality standards and guidelines for water discharges (to uphold water quality in order to protect ecosystems, wildlife, and human health and welfare) |
Evidence 1 | ||
14.4.2 | Action plan to reducing plastic waste Have an action plan in place to reduce plastic waste on campus |
Evidence 1 | Evidence 2 | Evidence 3 |
14.5 Maintaining a local ecosystem
14.5.4 | Collaboration for shared aquatic ecosystems Collaborate with the local community in efforts to maintain shared aquatic ecosystems |
Evidence 1 |