πŸš€ Internship for All Positions! πŸš€

πŸŽ“ For Students of Universitas Indonesia

PT Multi Kontrol Nusantara (Bakrie Group) is offering exciting internship opportunities in various positions! This is your chance to gain valuable experience, sharpen your skills, and expand your professional network!

πŸ’Ό Available Positions:

  1. Finance, Accounting, Tax Internship
  2. Human Capital & General Services Internship
  3. Sales & Marketing Internship
  4. IT Helpdesk Internship
  5. Fullstack Developer Internship

And more!

πŸ” Qualifications:

– Final year student of Universitas Indonesia, min. 7th or 8th semester

– Fresh graduate

– Enthusiastic and eager to learn

– Able to work well in both team and individual settings

– Strong communication skills

πŸ“… Internship Duration: 3-6 months

πŸ’Ό Location: Bakrie Tower 34th fl.

Don’t miss this opportunity to kick-start your career! Apply now through bit.ly/MKNwBNBR2024!

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